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AoL Consciousness Research

History is like s Playing the Hesse's Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras

Mathematics is described as the science of pattern and music as the   of pattern, both using meditation within the process of contemplation developing own language of .

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AoL Books Free, or 75% + Discount for Black Friday, Including Amazon Best Sellers Spiritual Symbols & Conscious Creativity & 2 Novels. Get your copy for 0.99c!

Christianity and Neo-Platonism

The Earth Fertility of Old Europe

 Runes as the Oldest Inscription Among Slavs 

Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, by Nataša Pantović Historical Novel New Book Launch. Fiction Book by Nataša Pantović

Metaphysics of Sound: in Search of the Name of God, subtitled “a Brief history of the World beyond the usual by Nataša Pantović

Get Your Free Book as a Review Copy

Art Activism with Blitz in Valletta & School of Narrative Dance Italy


Conscious Parenting Book Videos Free Online

Mindfulness Training Videos to support Conscious Parenting Course

Conscious Parenting is supported by 30 Videos or 11hours of Presentations:

Conscious Parenting Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

We recommend that you use the following order while working on your Mindfulness Training during
this Alchemy of Love Conscious Parenting Journey. However videos are done in such a way that they
are independent units so you can listen to them at any stage while in search of inspiration.

Conscious Parenting Course Video List:
Mindfulness Training Intro to Alchemy of Love

Interview with Nuit Spirituality and Parenting and Why Conscious Parenting

Circle of Life Mindfulness Training Video

Mindfulness Training Module 1 Body is a Temple

Module 1 Mindful Eating Perfect Nutrition
Module 1 Drinking for Health
Mindful Eating Inspirations
Module 2 Feng Shui of Your Home
Module 3 Conscious Parenting Mothering as a Spiritual Quality
Module 3 Kids and Subconscious, Conscious Learning
Module 3 How to Meditate Basic Steps
Module 3 Yoga Breathing Meditation
Module 3 Divergent Thinking or How to Practice Creative Thinking
Yoga Science and Mindful Being Course NetTV Interview with Nuit
Module 4 Secrets of Meditation
Module 4 Kids and Rhythm, Structure, Love
Module 4 Saying No to Kids and Priorities
Module 5 Towards Pure Mind
Module 5 Practicing Virtues: Assertiveness
Module 5 Dalai Lama and Practicing Compassion
Module 5 Practice Truthfulness
Module 6 Willpower Exercises
Module 7 Love Your Kids
Module 7 Cultivate Loving Relationships
Module 7 Meditate on Love
Module 8 Circle of Life or True Goals and Dreams (the video from the 1 st week of course)
Module 9 Right vs Left Brain Development
Module 9 Meditation Expand Your Consciousness
Module 10 Conscious Dreaming
Module 10 Rhythm, Structure, Love Meditation
Module 11 In Search of Truth
Module 11 Ancient History and Spirituality
Module 12 Meditate on Divine Consciousness
Module 12 Divine Sound & Temples

Download the list with Video Links to support the Conscious Parenting Course

Read more Conscious Parenting Book Videos Free Online

Best Mindfulness Books Lists

Best Personal Development, Happiness and Life Transition Books Recommendations

Our Mindfulness Books Recommended as Best Books

Conscious Parenting made it to the list of 5 best self-development books for kids!

Conscious Parenting Book by Natasa Pantovic Nuit

5 Best Personal Development Books for Kids Zero to Infinitude Books Recommendation

"The five personal development books for kids that I am going to suggest you here will help you to teach your kids the most important principles and the right way of thinking that will fill their future with great possibilities. Children have a mind that is easily influenced by what is repeatedly told to them or things that evoke strong feelings in them, and all this becomes their truth, which decides how their life is going to be shaped."

Best Books on Happiness List Books-Scrolling Recommendation

Alchemy of love mindfulness training books

Celebrating another "MADE to the LIST discovery! Please check this List of the Best Books on Happiness. You will find the usual suspects that we all love to read and the #40 is reserved for A-Ma Alchemy of Love, my Spiritual Historical Novel! Check the list further and you will find some of other Alchemy of Love .

"“What are the best books about Happiness?” We looked at 244 of the top titles, aggregating and ranking them so we could answer that very question! It seems like there is always that one person who says’s “Just try being happier” when you are in a less than stellar mood, as if that idea had never crossed your mind..."

Medium Recommendation for Best Books for Life Transitions

Ama Alchemy of Love Spiritual Fiction Book

Medium thought that within their recommended 48 books for Life Transitions, they should include the Alchemy of Love Series. You will find 4 of our books within the list! Wow!!

"Making Sense of Life’s Changes. All life transitions have a pattern, which if acknowledged will make tough times more comprehensible."

48 Helpful Books For Life Transitions

Read more Best Mindfulness Books Lists

Mindfulness Exercise Circle of Life

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course

Free Personal Development Tools

Mindfulness Exercise: Life Circle Mandala

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course

Recently I was asked to lead a Circle of Life workshop during a spiritual retreat at the outskirts of a fishermen village in Malta: Marsa Xlokk. Surrounded with a group that regularly meditates, this self-development exercise entered an inspiring dimension.

The Life Circle is a used as a and tool to remind us of what an amount of time we spend in useful activities and how much of our time we devote to truly life enriching habits and endavours. The participants are encouraged to contemplate three areas of their lives: physical, mental/emotional and spiritual and to write or draw within the circle their life supporting / enriching habits and their life destructive / wasteful activities or patterns.

circle of life mindfulness exercise who am I flower of life from Mindful Being Course by Nataša Pantović
Read more Mindfulness Exercise Circle of Life

Self Development 9 Mindfulness Books Series

AoL Mindfulness Concepts and Themes

AoL Mindfulness Series

9 (nine) Self Development Mindfulness Books

Published by Artof4Elements

Self Development 9 Mindfulness Books Series Alchemy of Love

The Series of nine (9) and non-fiction books focusing on spiritual growthcreativity and . The series of many genres, including poetrypersonal developmenthistorical fiction the world of Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training explores numerous self-development themes. According to Nuit, the mindfulness books series is inspired by yin and yang, by mythologyalchemy, and within the parenting world by simplicity parenting, and alternative teaching educational models

"Believing that we are all innately divine the ''Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training'' explores the alchemy of the soul: the preparation, transformation and initiation process as an underlining method of personal development and growth." Nuit

View the Independent Best Mindfulness Books Lists where you can find our Mindfulness Books

Read more Self Development 9 Mindfulness Books Series

Ama Book Quotes

Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović Nuit Quotes

Ama Alchemy of Love

Spiritual Historical Fiction Book Quotes

by Nataša Pantović Nuit 

Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović Nuit book cover

Set in the 17th Century Macau (China) Ama is an exploration into , spirituality, and . A divine female that sleeps in each one of us, Goddess, Lover, Alchemist incarnated in  at the Age of Enlightenment.

Ama as a Historical Fiction Book

All the events and manuscripts mentioned within the book: the Dutch attack to Macao 24th of June 1622, Fortaleza do Monte proved crucial in successfully holding off the attempted Dutch invasion, Dutch East India Company, the Reform of the Chinese Calendar during 1630s in China, Father Schall’s Johann Adam Schall von Bell Appointment to the Chinese Board of Mathematicians (during 1650s), Witch hunt, and Witches Manual, Chinese culture, the exploration into Tao, and Eastern Wisdom, are carefully researched historical facts.

During the 17th century, some 5,000 slaves lived in Macau, around 2,000 Portuguese and 20,000 Chinese. The book uses history to create the connection between actions of the individuals that live surrounded by magic. Ama is born in A-Ma Temple in Macau.

Ama as Spiritual Fiction Book

A-Ma takes us on an exploration journey discovering the secrets of the bond we all have created during the millions of life-times on Earth, the bond of and suffering.

Through Ruben, a Portuguese Jesuit Priest who came to China to convert the Chinese into Christians, and through Ama and her family, friends, followers and enemies, we enter into the insights and challenges of the time they lived in, we join their attempts to learn from both the Eastern and Western philosophy, and we witness their personal alchemy inner transformation

Hope you enjoy the from the as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Read more Ama Book Quotes