What is Creativity
Creative Thinking as Divine Inspiration or Human Trait Art, Who we are, Education, Spirituality, Mindfulness, Power of Mind, Self Development CourseWhat is Creativity?
Creative Thinking as Divine Inspiration or Human Trait
An excerpt from Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Minduflness Meditations by Nataša Pantović
It took some time for the humanity to accept ‘creativity’ as a possible human ‘trait’.
It was during the Renaissance that creativity was first seen, not as a matter of divine inspiration, but as a gift of a great learned man to imitate God’s ability to create. As Prometheus stole the fire of the Gods and brought it to the mankind, humanity needed to steal the secret of ‘creation’ from Gods and understand its essence.
Creative Thinking, art, spirituality and Learning the Skill of Creativity
Creativity refers to the invention of any new thing that has value. Someone creative has the ability to learn from traditional ideas and create new ones.

To be creative we have to choose to be different from everyone else. Learning the skill of creativity is about learning to challenge the existing, learning to trust one’s idea, and working hard to change the world that is by default stuck in the space of ‘conventional’. Creativity is an essential ingredient of one's spiritual development.
Moving from imitating and copying, to innovating and using our talents can take time. First we need to master the particular skill: musicians know the rhythm, architects understand engineering concepts, artists learn about colours and shades. Then we need to open our minds to the possibility of being different accepting our uniqueness.
How to Improve Creative Thinking and Challenge Existing Beliefs
Challenging the beliefs about the world and the machinery that makes it work is an essential step within the creative process. At all the points of origination of a product, solution, or an artwork, we have a choice to reject our invention and go back to the ‘norm’. At all points of the process of ‘creation’ we are challenged by the ‘norm’ and we can deny our-own mind-set, energy and feelings.
Creativity and Left and Right Brain Development
Our soul whispers to us constantly. When we understand the power of conscious and subconscious mind and the way the soul communicates with us, we can help ourselves enter the creative flow.
Developing both Left and Right Brain could be essential for Creative Thinkers of our Future. The following AoL Mindfulness Courses Video examines tools to exercises both brain hemispheres from Yogis to Modern Thinkers.
To purify mind we start with the consciousness that the energy follows the thought. It is important that we free ourselves of negative beliefs and thoughts, stop gossiping, judging or criticizing and that we work on developing virtues.
Left and Right Brain Cevelopment, Video by Nataša Pantović
Innovation & Creative Process
When we use our imagination to develop a new idea, the idea is inevitably structured in a predictable way, following already existing concepts. Our schools train us to think as convergent thinkers, aiming for a single, correct solution to a problem, whereas creativity demands divergent thinkers who generate multiple answers to a problem because the aim is to mediate inspiration from the unknown, to create something new.
Learning to access the necessary creativity within our Being is an essential ingredient of the creative flow. Incubation may aid creative problem-solving, because it enables ‘forgetting’ of existing clues. We are constantly bombarded by ‘solutions’ so creative minds need to stay isolated from the formulas given by society, seeking for the answers in the most unpredictable places.
Creative Thinking Tools
A mind should not be thought to passively observe the world, but instead constantly test hypotheses to actively manipulate the environment. The expansion of mind happens when children are open to the new possibilities, when they learn how to be inspired by nature and music and by most versatile forms of art.
Our kids emotional_intelligence, the expansion of their mind-set, their capability to interact with the world are all closely linked to understanding this magic of the ‘divine inspiration’ of creativity.
Have a look at this
Inspiring video How to Practice Creative Thinking
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