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AoL Consciousness Research

History is like s Playing the Hesse's Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras

Mathematics is described as the science of pattern and music as the   of pattern, both using meditation within the process of contemplation developing own language of .

Natasa Pantovic Ama Dios 4 AoL Consciousness Books Combined 90% Discount for Equinox Including Amazon Best Sellers Spiritual Symbols Conscious Creativity

AoL Books Free, or 75% + Discount for Black Friday, Including Amazon Best Sellers Spiritual Symbols & Conscious Creativity & 2 Novels. Get your copy for 0.99c!

Christianity and Neo-Platonism

The Earth Fertility of Old Europe

 Runes as the Oldest Inscription Among Slavs 

Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, by Nataša Pantović Historical Novel New Book Launch. Fiction Book by Nataša Pantović

Metaphysics of Sound: in Search of the Name of God, subtitled “a Brief history of the World beyond the usual by Nataša Pantović

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Art Activism with Blitz in Valletta & School of Narrative Dance Italy


Daniel Kahneman

Remembering Daniel Kahneman (Author of Thinking Fast and Slow)

Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work in psychology has died. His ideas have had a profound impact on many fields. Thinking, Fast and Slow, from Kahneman explains the two systems that drive the way we think: System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the fast thinking as prone to mistakes. The difficulties of predicting and factors that shape our judgments and decisions.

Read more Daniel Kahneman

Mental Health in Schools & Positive Parenting

Learning from Mental Health in Schools Conference

Just went to the Mental Health in Schools Conference

by Nataša Pantović 

Our body is like a tree, it roots itself spreading high and its fruit, an apple rots when it is hit. And we are all fully aware how the life-force within teenagers can hit hard and frequently. Patches can spread so quickly within our-own minds that we have a feeling that the hit will take the whole apple if we do not react consciously. Likewise our mental health can easily be weakened by the stress a family passes through during the time of exams when our teens find it extremly hard to stop and concentrate - in a hedonistic sunny society offering lots of safe and free fun for teens, foreigners, English students. 

Both Yogananda and Krishnamurti refer to mind as the toughest elephant to contain. The Christianity too offer sucrifice as a solution to the lives of individuals, helping refugees that have been stripped away from families, loved ones, and from their own support structure.

The Qawra school, the Maltese President in her openning speach Dr Marie Louise Colero Preca has mentioned, now has 56 nationalities.  Handling such diverse and multinational environment can at certain moments be extremly difficult, when our day to day lives are impacted, can we go back to positivity? The English studies have shown that One in Four people will need mental health support throughout a given year. Usualy young men. Kids are sometimes suicidal at the age of 9. Therefore, we as English and Maltese community, need to strive as nations, to make mental health services accessible to all, dealing with mental health not mental illness.

The group discussion and workshops have come back with a similar message: make Mental Health (not Illness) for all a global priority, empowering teachers and individuals. 

Irrespective of age, the solution should not be further medication, but awareness that to avoid the human-contact we separate from each other. Mental health should reach everybody. In a holistic environment local NGOs and Local Concils should include family members in a healing and supporting environment, a walk, a dance, a shared meal. It is solidarity with all and sensitivity to all, that are common targets that our society must address.

If mental health or mindfulness is at your heart, you could be a young leader, able to implement it or drive various initiatives.

Read more Mental Health in Schools & Positive Parenting

Ada Safari Podcast with Natasa Pantovic

Free Video Interviews

Ada Safari Podcast, Nataša Pantović

a monhtly interview series from Nataša Pantović that examines what are the thoughts of the people we admire, the ideas that define us, with the ancient history explored.

Nataša Pantović & Physics Teacher Jasminka Cuculović | Ada Safari Podcast #1 Parenting Teenagers or Taming a Dragon (full)

#AdaSafari podcast where Nataša spoke to Jadranka Cuculovic - a Physics Teacher, about parenting teenagers troubles.

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Activists Unite

To tackle the emergency facing people and planet

At Malta's National Animal Rights Day

by Nataša Pantović

Last Sunday, Malta held its National Animal Rights' Day. In Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries gathered to celebrate this worldwide event.

The National Animals Rights Day Malta 2022 holding Banner

The National Animals Rights Day Malta 2022 Main Banner

The Event was organized by the Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta.  

ALM's mission is to raise awareness and take action against all forms of animal abuse. 

Video Animal Rights Day 2022 Natasa Pantovic LIVE at NARD 2022 in Valletta Malta

Read more Activists Unite

Remembering Our Past Events and Nirvana Azzopardi's Message

Children Festival in Aid of Eden, 6 Body Mind Spirit first in Malta, Metageum Temples Conference

Remembering Our Past Festivals & Late Nirvana Azzopardi

by Nataša Pantović

Remembering Gzira Children Festival in aid of Eden Foundation

If you have ever organised a Festival, you know how hard the management of all the logistics are, working hard, day after day, contacting authorities, sponsors, adverisers, offering stalls, scheduling hour by hour activities, building the stage, sound equipment, chairs, security, auditioning kids for performances, preparing jury, prices, etc. I can still feel the buzz related to it all.

Children Festival 25th and 26th Sept Poster of Events

Again, if you have ever organised a Festival, you know that a Festival earns only when it is fully established, all the beginings are done for charity. So for the love of , for the love of , for the love of , for the love of , we have decided to included Eden Foundation as the main benefitory of all the entrance fees. My memories recall 1,000s of people, kids and parents loving every bit of the program, screams, laughter, entertainment, but also some last minute mis-haps. At one point, a security guard did not show up, so I had to personally stay a night without a policeman, protecting all the drinks and equipment, spending that night in a car, as a 30-years old woman, patrolling the Gzira open Gardens. Locals who know Gzira at night, at that time, would know what that means. In the middle of the night I was faced with a drunken drug addict who tried to carry away a crate of beer, and had to convince him to let it go.

The PR and Stage Hosting of the Children Festival was done by Nirvana Azzopardi. 

Nirvana Ciavola Azzopardi has died in 2013 after a two-year battle with breast cancer. The 40-year-old mother of two aged 10, and five, was a TV personality when she joined our team. In her 30s, full of life and enthusiasm, I was more than happy to entrust her with the management of the event's PR and with hosting the Stage programs.

We were invited on different Radio and TV shows, working many hours a day marketing the Festival at my home that servered as an office. Getting to know her, was a privilage and an extraordinary experience!

AoL events Children Festival 2 days of workshops stage stalls 25th Sep and 26th Sep at Gzira Gardens in aid of Eden


Read more Remembering Our Past Events and Nirvana Azzopardi's Message