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Tag overview for: 'ancient'

Entries on this site with 'ancient'

  • Nicolaus of Damascus
    Nicolaus of Damascus Book Bios “Καῖσαρ” KaiCaros (in Slavic "Like the King") Bio of Ceazar By Nataša Pantović The Ancient Greek historian Nikolas or Nicolaus of Damascus (
  • The Truth About Roman & Greek Myths
    The City of Rome and the Great Mother goddess Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece by Natasa Pantovic It is in the nature of humankind to tell stories,
  • Ancient Egypt Rosetta Stone
    Ancient Egypt Sound Č (of Grčka or Greece, mačka or cat, China, or Chill, or Tao Te Ching) Frequencies Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović Researching Ancient
  • The Mystery of Babylon Tower
    Confusion of Sounds and Babylon by  Natasa Pantović Freely recording / researching our religious practices and comparing our mystical experiences is a very new experience.
  • Neolithic Wisdom
    Mystical Learnings from Ancient Temples by Nataša Pantović Walking the path of a spiral ascending, giving our deep respect to ancestors wisdom and scientists consciousness
  • Mysticism or Magic
    Our journey from worshiping silence towards the worship of God’s names to Idol worship by Nataša Pantović Nuit 21st Century Spiritual Renaissance Demystifying Magic When E

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