How to chant mantrasMantra Chanting
Metaphysics of sound and True Name of God
Mantra Chants as a most amazing form of meditation
How to Chant Powerful Mantras, We Love Mantras
How to chant mantras? How to use mantra chanting as a spiritual tool? How to meditate while chanting mantras?For further inspiration check our choice of mantras and live performances from all over the world
We are here to inspire your spiritual devleopment check:
Chanting Mantras Book
Learn about spiritual meaning of mantras
Chanting mantras, praise worship songs, bhakti songs, hindi devotional songs, are all the ways to praise and worship the Divine. Powerful mantras, maha mantra, and devotional songs, from all over the world, all have the same goal: increasing Love within our hearts and on Earth. The Guide to Chanting Mantras with Best Chords is the Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Book 6. The book is a collection of the best mantras from all around the world, with chords, mantras spiritual meanings, and the ways to meditate while chanting mantras.
Some inspiring Mantras
Chanting: He Maha LakshmiPerformed by David NewmanHe Maha LakshmiHe Saraswati He Mata Kali Jagatambe Jai Jai Ma Jagatambe Jai Jai Ma |
He Ma Durga Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma |
Chanting: Krishna Das: Jai Jai Hanuman
I bow, I bow again and again to Anjani's son, Hanuman
Jaya Seeyaa Raama, Jai Jai Hanumaan
Chanting: Hey Hey Govinda with Kavita
Hey Hey Gopala
Hey Vasudeva Nityananada
Jey Rade Rade Rade
Rade Rade Rade Shyam
Chanting: Devakinandana Gopala
performed by: Dave Stringer