Stream of Consciousness
Art of 4 Elements Poetry by Nuit Spirituality, Poetry, defaultSpiritual Poems
We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy!
About Mindfulness
Discover alchemy through poetry
Discover love through alchemy
Stream of consciousness
Gently down the stream
of ConsCiouSness
Feeling the Flow
of Life
Vibrating through the cells
Mindfully Awake and Aware
Directly through the Centre
Connected to the Self
ceaselessly, effortlessly moving
mirroring the Law
- as above - so below
- as within - so without
Are we ready to hear?
Painting by Jason Lu
Enjoy Art of 4 Elements poems! What is mindfulness and what is Light that we imagine when meditating. We hope that our spiritual words will inspire you on your spiritual path and within your spiritual_development towards enlightenment!
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We have an extraordinary potential to transform ourselves and tap into our highest potential.
When we say the 'nature of mind' we think of: consciousness, awareness, cognitive thinking, reasoning, perception; but also of: intuition, subconscious gibberish, or unconscious strata that influences our lives... The state of 'mind', the 'nature of mind', our positive or negative attitude towards the world, is closely related to our experiences of happiness or suffering. The 'nature of mind' or the matrix of various patterns that forms around a soul is closely related to the Buddhist concept of karma.
What is Spirituality?
Spiritual Development and How to be Spiritual
The purpose of life is the evolution of consciousness. Spiritual awakening offers life in the state of joy (Bliss / Ananda) and gives us a gift of Free Mind. If we learn to listen to our souls we can consciously choose to be joyful or sad, peaceful or loving, alert or relaxed... There is a Buddhist saying: 'Before enlightenment he gathered wood and carried water; after enlightenment he gathered wood and carried water.'
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