Tree of Life Book
A Journey into the Field of Dreams Art, Education, Relationships, defaultTree of Life Novel
by Nataša Pantović books
AoL Mindfulness book #9
Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams by Nataša Pantović Book Cover
Book Description:
Tree of Life is a metaphysical historical novel that is a journey through many true life stories interwoven into the make-up of our souls’ journey within the planet Earth. Starting with Maya of Power, and a visit to the Field of Dreams, discovery of the Alchemy of Soul, deeper understanding of “Ubuntu” that: a person is only a person through their relationship to others, ascending and descending the magic Spiral to enter Wu Wei, the action with no action, the Path of Divine Intentions.
Tree of Life in various interpretations, within myths, and as a mystical concept represents the interconnectedness of all life on our beautiful planet. The book starts with an invitation to a Tantric Ball within the Field of Dreams. It is a journey of many true life stories interwoven into a question: What is our soul’s yearning? We journey through Scotland, and visit Findhorn, a spiritual group that during the last 40 years experiments with more enlightened community living. The book becomes an adoption journey into the heart of Africa.
We travel from Serbia to Cambridge to Maltese temples, from Nairobi to Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. Visit Lamu in Kenya that is full of rich drug addicts, and discover what happens when a country collapses, and a soul’s quest is against the life path!
Why Tree of Life?
Tree of Life in various religious interpretations, within myths, and as a mystical concept represents the inter-connectedness of all life on our beautiful planet. The Tree of Life connects all forms of creation. The Tree of Life is considered to be the symbol of 'Creator'. Ancient Beliefs: Mayan World Tree The Mayan believed heaven to be a wonderful, magical place on Earth hidden by a mystical mountain. They called this place Tamoanchan. Heaven, Earth, and Underworld were connected by the ‘World Tree’. The World Tree grew at the locus of creation, all things flowing out from that spot into four directions.
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