Conscious Parenting Quotes
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Conscious Parenting Quotes
From Conscious_Parenting Course by Nataša Pantović
'We live surrounded by an increasingly complex matrix of impulses allowing strangers of all sorts (TV, media, Internet) interfere in our children’s mental, emotional and spiritual development. Understanding this intricate network and how does the human brain interacts with it is increasingly becoming our door to happiness and health.'
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children Happiness, Nataša Pantović
‘A child has a deep longing to discover that the World is based on Truth. Respect that longing. In our attempt to help children grow into Inspired Adults, we wish them to carry the Youthfulness of their Souls, and the Wonders of Childhood into their old age.'
Conscious Parenting book Quote on Children and Truth, Nataša Pantović
'The self or the personality is a bundle of socially influenced traits that emerges and gets formed gradually. We are shaped by our parents and neighbors, by our religion, the media, by various marketing agendas of major corporations, by our state’s politics, by the way we behave or misbehave towards our-own body, our mind, environment, animals and plants, and our planet Earth.'
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children Mind and mindfulness, Nataša Pantović
'What would we need to do to get our kids understand the importance of a healthy body, emotional_intelligence, nurturing creativity and love for friends and family, becoming aware of how they can make a positive impact on the society or the environment, or discover the purpose of life and ways to be happy?'
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children Body Mind Spirit, Nataša Pantović
‘If we wish to have a beautiful, peaceful and safe home, we need healthy expanding roots that go deep into the ground. These roots are our Routine, our Stability, our Structure.’
Conscious Parenting Quote on Kids Happy Home, Nataša Pantović
If we do not respect our Earth, the world of emotions and mental development will suffer. We all need rhythm in our food consumption, in our sleep patterns, in our cleanliness and our exercise regime. This routine does not come naturally and it is learned and exercised from very young age.The Rhythm is carried and supported by our ability to:
- Respect Routine
- Create Stability
- Build Structure'
Conscious Parenting Quote about Kids and Rhythm, Nataša Pantović
'Every child is an individual with a different growth rate and a potential that is varied and vast. Respecting the needs of our little ones from a very early age, listening to their unique voices, hearing their wants will assure them that no matter how tiny they are somebody will kneel down to Listen. Respecting the potential that is hidden within each child, we respect their potential to become Kings of their Trade, or Saviors of the World to come.'
Conscious Parenting Quote about Kids as Individuals, Nataša Pantović
'Soul stands at the center of the children growth and development, as an Essence, an Observer, consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life. Be tentative to the Soul’s whispers. A child has a deep longing to discover that the world is based on truth. Respect that longing. In our attempt to help children grow into inspired adults, we wish them to carry the youthfulness of their souls, and the wonders of childhood into their old age.'
Conscious Parenting Quote about Kids Soul, Nataša Pantović
‘Because the parenting IS the most difficult job in the world. Our children need our Love, but also our support within this amazing matrix of choices. They need us to guide them towards Healthy Foods, Healthy Habits, Inspiring Activities, Life Enriching Friends, etc.’
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children Development Guiding, Nataša Pantović
‘Do not give up when touching the Door of Awareness, you meet its Mindfulness Magic, but let it open wide giving your family a possibility to Create Reality of Your Dreams.’
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children and Mindfulness, Nataša Pantović
‘Be very attentive towards the child’s evolving World of Senses that needs Stability, Routine, & Structure, World of Emotions that needs Love, Freedom & creativity and World of Thoughts that needs Discrimination as an Ability to chose Right Thinking, Emotions, Behavior.’
Conscious Parenting Quote on Children Development and Routine, Nataša Pantović
‘Practice Focus with Love with your kids and they will approach every single task with Focus and Love. To be able to exercise ‘focus’ in day-to-day life, a child should have time to relax, time for silence, time to perfect activities, time to focus & wonder.’
Children Practicing Focus, Nataša Pantović
‘A child is a Soul, a Unit Consciousness materialized on Earth to learn, fulfill its purpose contributing within the Matrix of Gaia. Our parents fought for ‘Expression of Thoughts’, ‘Equality’, we now have a task to fight for the Supremacy of Love over Control within all Areas of Life.‘
Children soul, Conscious Parenting Course , Nataša Pantović
‘Every child is an individual with a different growth rate & a varied and vast potential. Respecting the talent that is hidden within each child, we respect their potential to become Kings of their Trade, or Saviors of the World to come.’
Children as Unique Individuals, Conscious Parenting by Nataša Pantović
‘A child is a Soul, a Unit Consciousness materialized on Earth to learn, fulfill its purpose contributing within the Matrix of Gaia. Our parents fought for ‘Expression of Thoughts’, ‘Equality’, we now have a task to fight for the Supremacy of Love over Control within all Areas of Life.‘
Parenting Love and Control, Conscious Parenting Book, Nataša Pantović
‘Every child is an individual with a different growth rate & a varied and vast potential. Respecting the talent that is hidden within each child, we respect their potential to become Kings of their Trade, or Saviors of the World to come.’
Children and Talents, Conscious Parenting, Nataša Pantović
‘If we do not respect our Earth, the World of Emotions & Mental development will suffer. We all need Rhythm in our food consumption, sleep patterns, cleanliness & exercise regime. This Routine does not come naturally and it is learned and exercised from very young age.’
Children and Rhythm, Conscious Parenting, Nataša Pantović
‘With 70,000 thoughts a day and 95% of our activity controlled by the subconscious mind, no wonder that it feels as though we are asleep most of the time. To awake, we need to train Self-Remembering and Mindfulness.'
Children and Mindfulness, Conscious Parenting, Nataša Pantović
‘It is not natural to challenge the existing beliefs breaking patterns, and yet once you manage, you create a space for the new patterns to form, the ones that are filled with Love, Acceptance, Knowledge, and you give yourself & your kids a chance to Spiritually Grow.’
Children and Spiritual Growth, Conscious Parenting course, Nataša Pantović
‘Through the Process of Self-Discovery, we learn Mindfulness. Getting in touch with Conscious Behavior we change our attitudes so that we are not ruled by instincts, habits & someone else’s beliefs.’
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