The Tao of Logos

Silence is healing.  Silence is creative.  Silence is necessary. Regular  is a way to clear our  from clutter of thoughts, a way to train concentration and to focus on specific themes. It is a way to Quiet Mind

Silent mind is free mind: meditation techniques

Meditation Techniques Articles West and East

Mysticism withi Art and Leonardo da Vinci as Role Model 

How to Exercise Mindfulness

Our mind is constantly busy with thoughts and feeling about our past, present and future.  To stop it from useless constant chat, we must learn how to hear this noise, how to become aware of it, and to transform it through concentration into mindfulness.

How to exercise mindfulness living in the present moment

How to Meditate Properly

Seeking stillness within the Mind that is in motion is impossible if you do not use the motion itself.  When the surface of a lake is still, we will be able to see, experience, intuitively sense the ocean of our sub-conscious and to tap into the magic of super-conscious

How to meditate properly

Mantras for Meditation

Ancient Worlds and Meditations

Schuman Resonance and Meditation

Ancient Spirituality and What is Alchemy?

The Mystics of our Past
111Hz Divine Frequency

Reconsidering Transcendence in Art

  • Reconsidering Transcendence and  spirituality in art “Beauty is the word that shall be our first. Beauty is the last thing which the th..."

Symbols and Signs

We are here to inspire your 

Mind and Shining Love

Ema Sinthayu Interview with Nataša

Check also: Divine Consciousness

Awakened  remains focused on the Divine (Love, Life), heart stays filled with Divine Love, and we become One with All, staying aware of the Divine presence in everyone and everything.  

Verica Sekulić Human Values

Check also: Yoga Breathing

Yoga Breathing is a wonderful self-development tool that improves your .  It teaches you to breath consciously  


Why European Mindfulness?

Personality Types Jung Interviewed

Temples in Malta

How to Meditate Properly Secrets of Meditation

Our Mind is constantly active. Seeking stillness within the Mind that is in motion is impossible if you do not use the motion itself.

Our Transformation Tools and Articles include:

Listen to Your Soul

Move with the flow and understand synchronicity within your life Symbols and Signs