Real Food for Health
What is Real Food: Organic, Sustainable, Local Healthy Food, Healthy LivingMindful Eating with Delicious Vegan Raw Recipes
A book excerpt by Olivera Rosić
What is Real Food, What to Eat and Why
Real Food is: Organic, Sustainable, Local
A steady diet of real food is needed to sustain good health
Real Food For Health
So, what is real food?

- Real food is produced from real seeds, not GMO – genetically modified,
- Real food has no poison, it is organic, with no preservatives, no colourings, no magnitude of E-s and other additives. Toxins that are in pesticides must affect our health!
- Real food is Vegetarian Real food does not travel 1,000s of miles to reach you with all the processes involved during this journey. How far your food travels has serious consequences for your health and the health of Earth.
Support your local farmers’ market
- , Choose local produce when it’s in season. organic, and sustainably harvested. Choose foods that are minimally processed
- Real food is not processed, frozen, and pre-packaged. Whole, unprocessed foods are cheaper and healthier.
Eat smart and chehck why water is so important. Make conscious choices about what comes into our body. For more inspiration check our Healthy Snacks
What is Perfect Nutrition and How to Stay Healthy
Chose Organic!
What does organic mean?
Food has been grown without pesticides and is not genetically modified (GMO).
For example: Organic dairy is produced without the synthetic bovine growth hormone and no antibiotics are given to the animal; they must also eat organic.
Have a look a this inspiring music video about Why Go Organic...
Do not use plastic
Real Food What to Eat and Why: Antioxidants
The word 'Antioxidants' is a new 'buzz' word amongst all that study the relationship between the diet and health. Eating foods high in Antioxidants is a smart choice.
Antioxidants are needed to renew cells. The body produce free radicals and bad habits such as: smoking, alcohol, radiation (x-rays), and any type of pollution can speed up the production of free radicals.
Antioxidant fruit and veggies
Fruits and Veggies that are high in antioxidant are: Spinach, any type of Sprouts, Broccoli, Red peppers, Corn, Eggplant, Carrots, Prunes, Raisins, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Plums, Oranges, Grapes, Cherries, Kiwi, Avocado, Artichoke, coconut, turmeric, etc.
If the fuit and veggies are eaten raw, they contain more antioxidant. More 'alive' the food is, more atioxidant it contains. So, sprouts that have just started the sprouting are full of antioxidants.
A useful tip: To increase the amount of antioxidants in nuts and seads, soak them overnight.
Note: Antioxidant supplements produce negative results in a variety of health studies, so eat raw veggies and fruits instead of taking supplements.
This video contains the latest information on the
Real Food What to Eat and Why, Vitamin C
Helps us develop healthy teeth, gum, bones, strengthens blood vessels, increase absorption of iron,
provides resistance to infections...
Plant source highest in vitamin C
Rose hip, Cranberry, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Papaya, Strawberry, Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin, Lemon, Melon, Grapefruit, Raspberry, Passion fruit, Lime, Mango, Melon, Pineapple, Red pepper, Parsley, Kiwifruit, Broccoli, Redcurrant, Sprouts, Spinach, Cabbage raw green, Potato, Tomato,...
Mindful Eating Quotes by Nataša Pantović
Real Food What to Eat and Why: Veggie and Fruits for a good night of sleep
Eating healthy foods calms your nervous system and gives you a healthy sleep.
Say no to high-fat and spicy foods: canapes, cheese plates, and mini meatballs. They are all difficult to digest keeping you up at night. Say no to processed foods that contain a lot of sodium, that raises your blood pressure and dehydrates you.
A useful tip: Before bed, have a cup of chamomile tea with a tea-spoon of honey; the plant is a mild sedative that calms your body and mind & honey's nutritional & healing properties are just amazing.
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