Free Personal Development Tools
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Free Personal Development Tools
Personal Development Life Style
Personal Development, is a life-style. Constantly improving our mind, emotions, body, is a way to keep the link between our brain and our soul.
Personal Development starts with a million dollars question: Who am I? and it develops into 100s of mindfulness transformations tools that we could use during our day to reach our highest potential.
Me as an individual, me as a social being, me as a lover, as a mother, as a neighbor, as an inhabitant of Gaia... Who am I? The micro-cosmos and macro-cosmos of my existence all form a part of this amazing web called: Life.
Giving respect to the constant growth that we as human beings can experience, opens an amazing door to: creative thinking, loving relationships, conscious parenting, mindful living, our spiritual well-being and it gives us a possibility to tap into the positive Force of Knowledge.
Free Transformation Tools:
Balancing 4 Elements: intuition, thinking, emotions, sensation
The four elements within each one of us are: air, earth, fire, and water, four states of matter Life chooses to manifest on Earth. Jung describes them as four basic components of a personality: intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling.
Balancing our female and male side, our loving, meditative, artistic and intuitive Self with our intelectual, active and social Self is what will bring us completness and we hope happiness. Sages and gurus of our past talk about this balance. Taoists with their concept of Yin and Yang, Yogis with their belief in two opposite energy forces that flow through our body, calling them Ida and Pingala, and Jung that arranges the four components of personality into two pairs of opposites: sensations vs. intuition and thinking vs. feeling; Alchemists with their call to unite the opposites of: Venus and Mars, and Kabbalists with their ancient wisdom key called: Tree of Life and their magic dance of symbols and opposites
Through a process of self-discovery, we learn mindfulness, and get in touch with our conscious behaviour and we start to understand the subconscious forces that form our personality and unconsciously change our attitudes. Understanding the side of us that is ruled by instincts, habits and someone else’s beliefs is the first step towards more complex and beautiful existence.
Amazon Links
Mindful Eating by Olivera Rosic https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Eating-Exercises-Delicious-Mindfulness/dp/9995754029
Conscious Parenting by Natasa Pantovic and Ivana Milosavljevic https://www.amazon.com/Conscious-Parenting-Mindful-Mindfulness-Training/dp/9995754045
Conscious Creativity https://www.amazon.com/Conscious-Creativity-Mindfulness-Meditations-Training/dp/9995754118
Art of 4 Elements bz Natasa Pantovic, Jason Lu, Jeni Caruana, Christine Cutajar https://www.amazon.com/Art-Elements-Discover-Mindfulness-Training/dp/9995754002
Mindful Being Course by Natasa Pantovic https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Being-towards-Mindfulness-Training/dp/9995754037
Spiritual SymbolsČ Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Symbols-Meanings-mindfulness-training/dp/9995754126
Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams by Natasa Pantovic https://www.amazon.com/Tree-Life-Spiritual-Mindfulness-Training/dp/9995754134
Our Soul is the true driver of the chariot called body and mind, and it is a source of an amazing inner knowing.
Your Personal Development Tools:
Free Conscious Parenting Book Videos and List
Slides Self-Improvement Training Tools
Your Personality Questionnaires:
Your Body Questionnaire
12 Best Mindfulness Exercises FREE Pdf Download
Your Home and Surroundings
Transformation Tools and What they are
Your Thinking Patterns
Your Transformation Articles:
What is Love?
How to Exercise Mindfulness?
Exercises Mindful Eating, How to Eat Mindfully from Mindful Eating by Olivera Rosic
What is Creativity
Love, Sex and Long Term Relationships
Happiness Test
Mindfulness Exercise Spiritual Diary
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Self Development Course AoL Welcome Video
Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs. Recognizing the power of our Mind and the power of our Soul, learning the art of Concentration and Love, we are learning to Live with the Flow, not against it.
Many thoughts create an endless chatter that poisons our lives with prejudices, preconditioning, and various dilemmas that stop the Life Force. Learning mindfulness, learning meditation, respecting Nature and silence, working with Soul's and Spiritual Diary, practicing virtues, reading inspiring books, working on various relationship tools, help us move into the space of inspired, motivated and energized.
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