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The Earth Fertility of old Europe

within World’s Black Archeological Market Monday 18 October 2021 at 11:37 am

# of old Europe # and World’s Black Archeological Market

Neolithic European  and  learning from 

Marija GIMBUTAS Earth Fertility of old Europe

Symbols and Signs Research by Nataša Pantović

Ever since its first discovery in 1908 by the Serbian archaeologist Miloje Vasić, Vinča culture, a Neolithic settlement that spanned most of Serbia, parts of Romania, Bulgaria & Macedonia, has been of great interest to the lay public and scientists alike.

Middle Bronze Age Goddess 1800 BC

From Neolithic monuments to Roman Villas and prehistoric figurines the river basin of Danube (Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria) has proved rich for treasure hunters over the years

In 2005, Police in central Germany found the artifacts that date to the Neolithic period and are believed to belong to the Vinca, in a sports bag belonging to two Serbs. Last year, a 2,000 year old Roman monument weighing half a ton was stolen in 24 hours after the find. Such epigraphic monuments, stone monuments with Latin engraving text) are extremely rare in the world so the  value is extremely high.

Check also Neolithic Europe Vincha Symbolism of Bull in Early Neolithics

With 100s of objects discovered, Serbia would ranke among the first in Europe for finds declared if there is not a huge Archeological Black Market that leads these priceless artifacts into foreign private hands. If you're into stats, there’s every chance with every new dig unearth more hugely significant finds. The found and stolen monument on the territory of Serbia is unique in the world because they are highly preserved with Latin (Greek) inscription in 15 lines. Based on the inscription on the monument, an expert from the National Museum found that the monument belonged to a chivalrous man. He commanded various military departments and took part in the war with the Dacians and Parthians. The special value of this monument for Serbia and Belgrade was in the fact that it was found in its original place: the ancient Singidunum.

Now Information about the monument is included in the Interpol database of stolen archaeological items so that thieves can never sell it to a museum but still it goes to someelse’s hands.

Neolithic Wisdom from Ancient Temples, Maltese Temples to Greek Parthenon or Babylon Mysticism

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Ark of the Covenant and the Obelisk at Axum in Ethiopia

Learning from ancient art about aXuM Friday 15 October 2021 at 1:26 pm

The Obelisk of Axum (ሓወልቲ ኣኽሱም) and  Ark of the Covenant

Wisdom of Gods

Ancient #Art by Nataša Pantović

The Obelisk of Axum (ሓወልቲ ኣኽሱም) is a 400 AC, 24 metre obelisk, weighing 160 tonnes, now in the city of Axum in Ethiopia. The obelisk or Hawelt in Ge'ez in Axum was a "marker" for underground burial chambers. The largest were for royal burial chambers. In Ethiopia there are only a few large ones, and hundreds of smaller ones in various "stelae fields". Near the top of the stele a small house like object is carved in relief, claimed by Ethiopians to house the original Ark of the Covenant.

Salt and Havell (1809) The Obelisk at Axum

In the 19th century, of the three major "royal" stelae, only this one, King Ezana's Stele remained erect, visible in the print "The Obelis of Axum" of Henry Salt (1780–1827).

Salt and Havell (1809) The Obelisk at Axum, Twenty-Four Views in St. Helena, The Cape, India, Ceylon, The Red Sea, Abyssinia and Egypt, London: William Miller. 1809

The Axum obelisk is regarded as one of Ethiopia's national religious treasures.

The stele was one of fifty obelisks in Axum at the time of the discovery, in 1937.  Italian troops took it to Rome, Italy, cut into five pieces and transported by trucks.

 “A crowd of Ethiopian ministers, priests and other VIPs cheered and clapped as it landed.” News reported the return of the obelisk. 24m tall, it weighs 160 tons, this 1,700 years old monument was welcomed by chanting priests.

Many Ethiopians see the obelisk as a vital national symbol. It was dismantled by Italian experts in 2004 in readiness for its journey home. The journey costed Italian government 6m euros. The 160-ton monument had to be broken into three pieces.

Axum was the largest, heaviest object ever transported by air. Heaters were installed and the obelisk was wrapped in steel bars for the six-hour flight. The airstrip at Axum had to be upgraded to handle the weight of the aircraft, and radar was installed.

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Etruscans Language Culture Origin

Learnings from Cyrillic Alphabet and DNA Analysis Tuesday 24 August 2021 at 10:43 am

Etruscans origins & Slavs

Learning from Cyrillic Alphabet & DNA Analysis, #education #consciousness

by Nataša Pantović

History is a fascinating subject. Researching or even more so! We read amazing accounts about ancient traditions such as Platonism, Orphism, Orthodox Christianity, and in China Taoism, and neo-Confucianism.

The Big Dipper Ancient Symbol Sky 6 Cycles

The insights from these traditions intersect with recent findings in metaphysics or biology. What brings the two into resonance is their mutual commitment to speak of the matter as alive. The four elements expressed through trinity that are defined by entangled triangle of relationships reflected in our language development.

Another visit to Serbia, this summer, and I was back researching the same scientific question, same puzzle that has certainly no answers yet it is an interesting exploration. 

Were Slavs in Balkan as early as 431 BC? 

Check - Runes as the Oldest Inscription Among Slavs 

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Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and Christianity St Albert 1270 AC

Learning from Compendium Theologicae Veritatis 1250 AC and Professor Matt Qvortrup The Political Brain Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 10:53 pm

Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and The Political Brain

by Nataša Pantović

Just went to a philosophy sharing group by Professor Matt Qvortrup from Coventry University UK and explored the link between brain science and politics, following the publication of his book The Political Brain. He delves deeper into the fascinating intersection between neuroscience and political philosophy, leaving us with a profound truth: our brains are inherently designed to work out solutions, exchange of opinions and learn, but also are wired for conflict and predisposed towards hate, making it alarmingly easy for us to fall into the trap of destruction.

Professor Matt Qvortrup referred to Aristotle as Macedonian check

The Ancient Greek system of Aristotle, a student of Plato attending the Plato’s Academy found in 387 BC in Athens, better known as the teacher, advisor, consultant of Alexander the Great was the first one to travel to Egypt.

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon Kingdom. During Aristotle's time (384–322 BC) in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander. During the reign of the Argead king Philip II (359–336 BC), for a moment in history Macedonia subdued mainland Greece and Thrace. His son Alexander the Great travelled to North Africa and far East and has died in Babylon  in 323 BC in the city he planned to establish as his capital. Alexander's legacy includes the Greco-Buddhism, and the presence of Greek speakers in Persian lands. 

"Excellence is never an accident It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice" Aristotle

Plato's own most profound philosophical influences are Socrates and Pythagoras.

Plato and Pythagoras shared a mystical approach to the soul probably influenced by Orphism.


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The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone

Unlocking the secret of Egypt's hieroglyphs Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 1:31 pm

The Ancient Egyptian Rosetta Stone

and Mysticism of Ancient Egyptian s and explorations

by Nataša Pantović

You have all heard of the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, when Ionic Greek (Homer-ian) was the language of the governing classes in Egypt. The Greek ruler, Ptolemy V in 200 BC has commissioned the Rosetta stone, to state publicly that he is the rightful pharaoh of Egypt.

Excavated during the Napoleon conquest of Egypt by French archaeologists, the scholars who had accompanied the French army to Egypt in 1799 AC. It found its way to England, in an exchange of Governments from French to British after the French surrender of Egypt in 1801, and is now in the British Museum... The Rosetta stone is written in three writing scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek and it is a block of black granite 115 cm high and 70 cm wide.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics for God, Ancient Rosetta Stone Research Papers

Without the Rosetta stone, we would not have been able to decipher the huge amount of writings, scripts, drawings, temples’ texts left behind by. The Rosetta stone is in two languages: Egyptian and early Ancient Greek. The writing on the Stone is an official message, a decree, about the king Ptolemy V (204 – 181 BC). The decree was copied on to large stone slabs called stelae, which were put in every temple in Egypt. It says that the priests of a temple in Memphis (in Egypt) supports the king.

This ingénues art-work was carved in three writing systems, hieroglyphic, demotic, and the Greek alphabet and this makes the Rosetta stone one of the most important archaeological discoveries in human history.

The last sentence of the Greek text says, “Written in sacred and native and Greek characters.” Scholars identified the “sacred” to the hieroglyphic system, while the “native” referred to the demotic script of the Egyptians.

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