Nataša Pantović LIVE at Malta Poets Society, Dr Rudolf Ragonesi at University Book Festival, NARD 2022
Friday 17 June 2022 at 7:08 pm
Universty Book Festival Dr Rudolf Ragonesi LIVE launching Spring A Book of Aphorisms artbook
Malta Book Festival 2022 Dr Rudolf Ragonesi Live Launching Spring A Book of Aphorisms
Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God
University of Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching the new novel Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God
So privileged to be asked by Malta Book Council the Founder of University Book Festival to present my new book on the Ancient Mediterranean history. If you are interested in the history beyond the usual, check this exploration of Amarna Letters, better known as Amarna Heresy, a philosophical discussion from Ancient Egypt's Babylon about God Monotheism and Trinity written 3,000 years ago; the ancient History of Egypt and writing, learn about Inanna Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess or about the Macedonian Derveni Papyrus and new Interpretation. Such an awe research of the Ancient Greek Θεοs within the book "Metaphysics of Sound. in Search of the Name of God or a Brief History of the World Beyond the Usual" in Malta.
Animal Activists Unite! Presented by Nataša Pantović at NARD21 Malta Animal Rights Day 2021, June 06 2021. The Event was organized by a Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta in Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries. What a gathering of young...
NARD 2022 Natasa Pantovic Speech
Unfortunately the LIVE recording of the following speech failed the organizers & stopped after 30sec.., "The fight for conscious living has been with the humankind since the beginning of time. We have an honor to be predecessors of giants like #Pythagoras who 2,500 years ago gave us (Europe) music, mathematics, and the noble vegetarian fight. I will share with you positive stories of conscious people involved in changing the world & good omens: This year, I met a 70 years old conscious artist & farmer when hiking through Serbian hills managing his organic farm (and a community center), next to a stream, as a vegan, mindfully; Blessings to his work!When consulting in the UK, visiting a client, a car in front of me suddenly hit the breaks, with a car behind me causing a chain accident, 4 cars bumped into each other. The cause was a duck with its ducklings crossing the British country road; None of us minded! After a 100 years volunteers have helped a turtle hatch on a Maltese beach. It took many sleepless nights for this to materialize. Hope she comes back again. One of our Authors, a Founder of NGO Gaia has personally planted his 10,000th tree. I call this to be a good OMEN. We can together help Gaia be healthier, & our animals live happier. Let's do it!"
Malta Poets Society Nataša LIVE Valley of the Souls from Art of 4 elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry for Yogi Paulo found dead at Sea
Malta Poets Society Nataša LIVE Sea-Shell Spirit Wish from Art of 4 elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry
Malta Poets Society LIVE May 2022, Nataša Pantović Reading from Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry
Nataša Pantović LIVE with Magic Spell from Tree of Life and Dr Rudolf Ragonesi with Spring, A Collection of Aphorisms at the University Book Festival 2022. Music by Norman Cristina.
Ever since its first discovery in 1908 by the Serbian archaeologist Miloje Vasić, Vinča culture, a Neolithic settlement that spanned most of Serbia, parts of Romania, Bulgaria & Macedonia, has been of great interest to the lay public and scientists alike.
Middle Bronze Age Goddess 1800 BC
From Neolithic monuments to Roman Villas and prehistoric figurines the river basin of Danube (Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria) has proved rich for treasure hunters over the years
In 2005, Police in central Germany found the artifacts that date to the Neolithic period and are believed to belong to the Vinca, in a sports bag belonging to two Serbs. Last year, a 2,000 year old Roman monument weighing half a ton was stolen in 24 hours after the find. Such epigraphic monuments, stone monuments with Latin engraving text) are extremely rare in the world so the value is extremely high.
With 100s of objects discovered, Serbia would ranke among the first in Europe for finds declared if there is not a huge Archeological Black Market that leads these priceless artifacts into foreign private hands. If you're into stats, there’s every chance with every new dig unearth more hugely significant finds. The found and stolen monument on the territory of Serbia is unique in the world because they are highly preserved with Latin (Greek) inscription in 15 lines. Based on the inscription on the monument, an expert from the National Museum found that the monument belonged to a chivalrous man. He commanded various military departments and took part in the war with the Dacians and Parthians. The special value of this monument for Serbia and Belgrade was in the fact that it was found in its original place: the ancient Singidunum.
Now Information about the monument is included in the Interpol database of stolen archaeological items so that thieves can never sell it to a museum but still it goes to someelse’s hands.
The Obelisk of Axum (ሓወልቲ ኣኽሱም) is a 400 AC, 24 metre obelisk, weighing 160 tonnes, now in the city of Axum in Ethiopia. The obelisk or Hawelt in Ge'ez in Axum was a "marker" for underground burial chambers. The largest were for royal burial chambers. In Ethiopia there are only a few large ones, and hundreds of smaller ones in various "stelae fields". Near the top of the stele a small house like object is carved in relief, claimed by Ethiopians to house the original Ark of the Covenant.
Salt and Havell (1809) The Obelisk at Axum
In the 19th century, of the three major "royal" stelae, only this one, King Ezana's Stele remained erect, visible in the print "The Obelis of Axum" of Henry Salt (1780–1827).
Salt and Havell (1809) The Obelisk at Axum, Twenty-Four Views in St. Helena, The Cape, India, Ceylon, The Red Sea, Abyssinia and Egypt, London: William Miller. 1809
The Axum obelisk is regarded as one of Ethiopia's national religious treasures.
The stele was one of fifty obelisks in Axum at the time of the discovery, in 1937. Italian troops took it to Rome, Italy, cut into five pieces and transported by trucks.
“A crowd of Ethiopian ministers, priests and other VIPs cheered and clapped as it landed.” News reported the return of the obelisk. 24m tall, it weighs 160 tons, this 1,700 years old monument was welcomed by chanting priests.
Many Ethiopians see the obelisk as a vital national symbol. It was dismantled by Italian experts in 2004 in readiness for its journey home. The journey costed Italian government 6m euros. The 160-ton monument had to be broken into three pieces.
Axum was the largest, heaviest object ever transported by air. Heaters were installed and the obelisk was wrapped in steel bars for the six-hour flight. The airstrip at Axum had to be upgraded to handle the weight of the aircraft, and radar was installed.
The late 1800s was the time of Impressionism as a radical art movement , centered around Parisian painters, the wave that rebelled against classical subject and gave respect to Mother Nature.
Travelling to their thought-form, Vincent van Gogh to the artist friend Emile:
“But now look, ... you surely can't seriously imagine a confinement like that, in the middle of the road, with the mother starting to pray instead of suckling her child? Those bloated frogs of priests on their knees as though they're having an epileptic fit are also part of it, God alone knows how and why!
No, I can't call that sound, for if I am at all capable of spiritual ecstasy, then I feel exalted in the face of truth, of what is possible, which means I bow down before the study - one that had enough power in it to make a Millet tremble - of peasants carrying a calf born in the fields back home to the farm.
That, my friend, is what people everywhere, from France to America, have felt. And having performed a feat like that, can you really contemplate reverting to medieval tapestries? Can that really be what you mean to do? No! You can do better than that, and know that you must look for what is possible, logical and true.”
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard, Saint-Rémy, 1889
“Now to enlighten you, my dear M. Van Gogh, ... I am searching for and at the same time expressing a general state of mind rather than a unique thought, to have someone else's eye experience an indefinite, infinite impression. To suggest a suffering does not indicate what kind of suffering: purity in general and not what kind of purity. Literature is one (painting also). Consequently, suggested and not explained thought.”
Letter from Paul Gauguin to Theo van Gogh. At this time, Vincent was 36 year old.
The two striking waves in Blue: 2 Great Waves - Hokusai 1883 & Van Gogh 1989
First seen outside Japan in the 1880s, Van Gogh's brother was one of the first Europeans to collect Japanese prints and has admired Japanese art.
The Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh, 1889 & Japanese print Hokusai Great Wave 1833
History is a fascinating subject. Researching god or consciousness even more so! We read amazing accounts about ancient wisdom traditions such as Platonism, Orphism, Orthodox Christianity, and in China Taoism, and neo-Confucianism.
The Big Dipper Ancient Symbol Sky 6 Cycles
The insights from these traditions intersect with recent findings in metaphysics or biology. What brings the two into resonance is their mutual commitment to speak of the matter as alive. The four elements expressed through trinity that are defined by entangled triangle of relationships reflected in our language development.
Another visit to Serbia, this summer, and I was back researching the same scientific question, same puzzle that has certainly no answers yet it is an interesting exploration.