Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training book Quotes by Nuit
Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents
‘A child has a deep longing to discover that the World is based on Truth. Respect that longing. In our attempt to help children grow into Inspired Adults, we wish them to carry the Youthfulness of their Souls, and the Wonders of Childhood into their old age.'
Conscious Parenting by Nuit Quotes about kids and truth
Milica’s Goodreads Review 16 May 2015: Lovely Inspiring Course
An amazing course full of exercises tailored for parents. I am into Waldorf education, green parenting, simplicity parenting, so this was a lovely inspiring course to follow.
Conscious Parenting Review: This Book is a Treasure!
By Zoya Lu, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, August 2015, Amazon Review
This book is a treasure! I've been on the path of self-development for over 15 years and of motherhood for 3 years. I've learned a lot on the way. Yet the Conscious Parenting book has taught me a great deal of parenting wisdom. It's based on the idea that to be a good parent one has to be a good person which we all know. But how do we achieve this? The author amazes me with her capacity to offer a very spiritual approach in a very down-to-earth way. The book is full of practical tips, questionnaires, tables and charts, and concrete steps to improve ALL areas of one's life (including your eating habits, your home environment, identifying your mental fixations, mastering your daily habits, observing your emotions, etc.) I haven't finished it yet, it's 228 pages and I find myself reading the chapters I most attracted to first. It's not a book you read and put on the far-away shelf. I keep it close for daily doses of inspiration and I feel I will go back to it again and again. If you are ready to actively change yourself and enjoy parenthood which brings joy of deep connection to your child, you'll find this book is surely worth your investment.
The Secret of enlightenment is not in Perfection but in Completeness
I don’t know what your relationship with the Mythical Mare that lives within our sub-conscious sending night-mares to kids is, but mine used to come every night to torture me until I learned how to fly. Just as a insight, I had much difficulties contemplating the sentence: ‘It is never too late to re-live your childhood happily’and I had to meditate deeply and profoundly to comprehend its secret and sacred meaning. The inner alchemy Fairies do not always protect the kids and my parents were too occupied with their Shadow Work to notice how deeply disturbing this could be for a child.
Alchemy of Love as a Childhood Dream
We never knew Luxury but we travelled twice a year for shopping and culture trips visiting Vienna, Rome, Istanbul, Athens throughout my childhood. My father lost both his parents when he was 18 and was left with four other siblings with no money or relatives to help, yet this didn't stop him from doing his Phd in Law, taking care of all the brothers and sisters, and publishing an amazing number of 27 legal books. We discussed Plato at home, read Utopia, analyzed Roman Law and its pitfalls, talked about Tolstoy and his sense for social justice, equality and searched for a perfect social system that would come to Earth when the Humanity is ready for it. Discussing our inner drive towards unconditional justice was my breast-feeding milk during the early youth.
Just around the time of my High-school successes I came across meditation and the search for the Inner Perfection. The Alchemy of Soul and the Alchemy of Humanity beautifully presented themselves to the student that was ready to learn from: Hesse, Anthroposophy Group, Meditation Groups (such as Sai Baba, Hare Krishnas, Komaja, Ananda Marga), Zen Groups, Sufi Groups, Tai-Chi Groups, at Spiritual Healing Courses and Seminars, Macrobiotic, Vegetarian and Vegan Cooking Experiments, Mantra Singing Workshops, that were mushrooming at that time in Belgrade, Serbia.
- The early eMalta years saw a heavy investment by Government in its ICT infrastructure to transform Malta into an Information Society. As Management Consultant working within the MEU, in the Office of Prime Minister, I worked on large number of management and HR consulting projects throughout the various Ministries and Government Institutions.
Management Services Consultancy Study 1994
- While heading a large UK IT company (Crimsonwing, later KPMG) that has set-up its operations in Malta, I was in charge of expanding its markets in Europe. As a woman, and an IT Executive, travelling around our little planet, my memory takes me to many venues in London, Cardif, Manchester, Milan, Brussels, Rome, Amsterdam, presenting our company's large UK IT case studies (Safeway, Banks, etc.)
Major Info Companies in the World Crimsonwing Head of Business Development 2009
- After helping Father George who was living and working in Malta and Africa, help him build a school in a remote area of Ethiopia, entered the most amazing world of parenthood adopting two angels from Ethiopia as a single mother (now imagine that!). My children are my biggest Conscious Parenting teachers. They love and train basketball, play piano, act within a Music Theatre Group and were Chess Champions of Malta.
- My soul is the one of a nomad and during my life-time I visited more than 50 countries, set foot on all the continents, and lived in five: Serbia, Malta, Uk, Holland and New Zealand. My home is in Amsterdam, London, Belgrade, Sliema wherever I found my heart beating the same rhythm.
- For the consciousness researchers lovers, some of the more intriguing pages talk about 25 years of Applied Psychology explorations, and my researchjourney through Theosophy, Zen, Tantra, Antroposophy, Yoga and my vegetarian life-style where I danced barefoot in the rain, meditated for hours in search of God,
- As a volunteer organized 6 Body, Mind and Spirit Festivals, a Children Festival, International Vegetarian Festival, read 1,000s of spiritual books and as a Volunteer was within an organising committee of the 10 days Megalithic Conference in Malta
- The world of love and relationships is deep and soul enriching and I had a most amazing opportunity to explore this male-female game in over 18 years of relationships. I now regularly publish Articles on Relationships, Mindfulness and Personal Growth
- Became a published author in 1991 - in Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Serbia. with a self-legal-help book:
Conscious Parenting Course is a great course and I highly recommend it
By Dee on June 14, 2015, Amazon Review
Conscious parentingc ourses is a great course and I highly recommend it! I enjoyed working with my kids on creativity exercises of various sorts. Our busy life-styles, make us all a bit hyperactive and detached from nature so seeing my loved ones working on some simple but inspiring exercises from the course, enjoying their creativity time, and preparing little surprises for us, parents, made us appreciate our life as a family. The course is fun, full of exercises and tips for kids development. 12 modules try to cover all the areas within one's life, so there is much to enjoy but I would highlight: anger management, understanding core beliefs, personal development plan and of course the various exercises within the module: relationships. Worth going back to the course at different stages of life! I will probably re-do it again in a couple of years. Must experience!
"Parenting is a much demanding chore, much tiring, especially if you are a single parent, but nothing is as much satisfying and so beautiful than this. I don't believe in the concept of an "ideal parent". It has to be a level higher than saying " It is my duty to look after them". [[tt tag="children" ]] are not commodities, they are beautiful souls, a gift from God. The psychology needs to be understood. A child has to laugh with you. You need to be as a good friend to them, making them share their thoughts and views daily and intricately balancing them to make them channelize their energy in the right way.
This course is fun, full of exercises and tips for kids development. 12 modules covering all the areas within one's life - I loved anger management, understanding core beliefs, personal development plan. Loved it.. "