Nataša Pantović Nuit Author of 9 Mindfulness Books
Saturday 30 July 2016 at 3:27 pm
Nuit the Author of conscious_parenting Book talks about Conscious Parenting and Kids Happiness. A single mother of two adopted kids from Ethiopia, a Manager, a Yogi, and a Poet re-calls difficulties of her Conscious Parenting Journey and how she learned to respect an amazing matrix of choices within the Art of Parenting.
Q. You say that the parenting is the most difficult job in the world. You worked as a Management Consultant, a Trainer, a Yogi, you organised a dozen of Spiritual Festivals and yet you've chosen Parenting as the most difficult. How come?
A. The art of parenting is extremely complicated
Conscious and subconscious learnings within the parenting world are immense. There are so many variables that influence our kids growth and no matter how much we prepare, how hard we try, no matter how many baby-sitting nights we spent with our sister's kids, our children constantly surprise us. Unlike with any other job, with parenting, we have no time for costly experiments, and our little ones are too precious for mistakes. We are guided by various teachers, society guesses, pushed into the arms of new technology, shaken by norms that are ancient, fighting the subconscious patterns of huge strength walking towards conscious behaviour, conscious living, conscious parenting. With the generation gap this task becomes even more difficult.
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Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course
Wednesday 30 March 2016 at 10:10 am
Mindful Being book Reviews
Mindful Being Dragana's Goodreads, 02. April 2015: Great Self-development Tools
Mindful Being Course is full of useful exercises and great self development tools. The mindfulness course is divided into 12 modules and full of tips about spiritual work. It reminded me of many spiritual tools that I used during my life time of meditation and yoga. A systematic approach that covers body, mind and soul 'work' is inspiring.
Highly recommended mindfulness Training!
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Tree of Life Excerpt
Saturday 06 February 2016 at 7:13 pm
My Adoption Journey
A poem for my baby-girl and my baby-boy alone in the wild wide world waiting for the cradle to rock. Within me there was a deep sense of separation from my loved ones.
I will walk through the mountain to meet you
I will step in to the darkest cave to find you
I will re-discover dreams just to stay in touch with you
Entering the summer thoughts through the snow - I will get to you
Today, the 8th of February, is our family's birthday! It has been 12 years since we have started this journey!
My dear kids, friends, spiritual family, my heart is full of gratitude for all we have been together! The full moon in February 2020 celebrates with us our Birthday! As a gift from Goddess, yesterday and today, both kids had an opportunity to participate in the filming, with the Finish film crew, of Rahti or Cargo series, a documentary film, that is about international human smuggling and a young Eritrean whose daughter goes missing when they flee to Finland. After waiting years to adopt a child, a woman – a lawyer – becomes the legal guardian of a child whose parents’ whereabouts are unknown... A totally inspiring scenario, isn't it! <3 especially when you remember my Ethiopian Adoption Journey... I went for one and had my heart stolen by an Ethiopian 3-years old Shamanic queen, so I had to adopt two :) <3
The Full Moon in February 2020
Adoption as a Divine Inspiration
A thought to adopt came to me as divine Inspiration during a spiritual concert. In the midst of my meditation while contemplating celestial sounds (floating in between the 6th and 7th chakra ;) ) vibrating no thoughts; a clear, undisturbed Knowledge, an instruction rather than a message whispered in my Soul's ear that Now IS the time to Adopt.
Wow! What a thought! What a Path! What a Whisper! I will adopt! A child, a baby girl, I thought absorbing the Karmic circumstances that had to materialise with all the Divine Influences, and IT felt quite a bit more complex than the merge of an egg with a spermatozoid.
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Alchemy of Soul
Saturday 02 January 2016 at 09:23 am
Spiritual not Religious: In Search of Perfection
The purpose of life is the evolution of consciousness. Spiritual Awakening offers life in the state of joy. If we learn to listen to our souls we can consciously choose to be joyful or sad, peaceful or loving, alert or relaxed. Read More
In Search of Perfection
God created Nature that is full of Chaos
Where no two things are equal
Where no sound, no colour, no shape is repeated
Man copied God and created
Symmetry, Mathematics, Music, Straight Lines
Man copied God and created Perfection
Together Man-made Perfect Eelements create an Absolute Disorder
Together God-made Imperfections result in an Ultimate Harmony
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Ancient Slavic Astrology
Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 11:03 am
What is your Tree Sign
Tree Magic
Trees were respected since the beginning of time. Different cultures acknowledged the magic powers within ancient trees and performed various rituals around them. A tree can simply bewitch you offering a sense of mystery and magic, taking you into the journey of green respect towards this witness of time passing, into the wisdom of its mature being. Its roots lie deep in the ground. The leaves draw energy from the sunlight. The trunk is strong and wide. What is the tree hiding: ancient secrets, ghosts, goblins, spirits, ferries or just squirrels?
Druids were priests of an ancient Celtic religious order. They thought that the oak tree is sacred and they carried out their religious rituals in oak forests. They chose the deepest parts of woodlands for their most sacred places.
The Pagans used the Yew tree as the focus of their worship. Apparently, the Yew has a particular quality that inspires a feeling of awe.
The Greeks and Romans decorated their dwellings with ivy, taking evergreen plants into their houses acknowledging their magical qualities.
The Christmas tree is a symbol adopted by Christian tradition, referring to the salvation that Jesus brought to the world by his birth.
Ancient Slav Zodiac
According to the Ancient Slav Zodiac we all have our Tree Signs. Find the date of your birth and enjoy the spiritual meaning of the Tree that protects you.
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