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Mindfulness Exercise Circle of Life

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course Thursday 08 June 2017 at 10:32 am

Free Personal Development Tools

Mindfulness Exercise: Life Circle Mandala

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course

Recently I was asked to lead a Circle of Life workshop during a spiritual retreat at the outskirts of a fishermen village in Malta: Marsa Xlokk. Surrounded with a group that regularly meditates, this self-development exercise entered an inspiring dimension.

The Life Circle is a used as a and tool to remind us of what an amount of time we spend in useful activities and how much of our time we devote to truly life enriching habits and endavours. The participants are encouraged to contemplate three areas of their lives: physical, mental/emotional and spiritual and to write or draw within the circle their life supporting / enriching habits and their life destructive / wasteful activities or patterns.

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Self Development 9 Mindfulness Books Series

AoL Mindfulness Concepts and Themes Friday 19 May 2017 at 2:46 pm

AoL Mindfulness Series

9 (nine) Self Development Mindfulness Books

Published by Artof4Elements

The Series of nine (9) and non-fiction books focusing on spiritual growthcreativity and . The series of many genres, including poetrypersonal developmenthistorical fiction the world of Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training explores numerous self-development themes. According to Nuit, the mindfulness books series is inspired by yin and yang, by mythologyalchemy, and within the parenting world by simplicity parenting, and alternative teaching educational models

"Believing that we are all innately divine the ''Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training'' explores the alchemy of the soul: the preparation, transformation and initiation process as an underlining method of personal development and growth." Nuit

View the Independent Best Mindfulness Books Lists where you can find our Mindfulness Books

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Ama Book Quotes

Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović Nuit Quotes Friday 12 May 2017 at 06:17 am

Ama Alchemy of Love

Spiritual Historical Fiction Book Quotes

by Nataša Pantović Nuit 

Set in the 17th Century Macau (China) Ama is an exploration into , spirituality, and . A divine female that sleeps in each one of us, Goddess, Lover, Alchemist incarnated in  at the Age of Enlightenment.

Ama as a Historical Fiction Book

All the events and manuscripts mentioned within the book: the Dutch attack to Macao 24th of June 1622, Fortaleza do Monte proved crucial in successfully holding off the attempted Dutch invasion, Dutch East India Company, the Reform of the Chinese Calendar during 1630s in China, Father Schall’s Johann Adam Schall von Bell Appointment to the Chinese Board of Mathematicians (during 1650s), Witch hunt, and Witches Manual, Chinese culture, the exploration into Tao, and Eastern Wisdom, are carefully researched historical facts.

During the 17th century, some 5,000 slaves lived in Macau, around 2,000 Portuguese and 20,000 Chinese. The book uses history to create the connection between actions of the individuals that live surrounded by magic. Ama is born in A-Ma Temple in Macau.

Ama as Spiritual Fiction Book

A-Ma takes us on an exploration journey discovering the secrets of the bond we all have created during the millions of life-times on Earth, the bond of and suffering.

Through Ruben, a Portuguese Jesuit Priest who came to China to convert the Chinese into Christians, and through Ama and her family, friends, followers and enemies, we enter into the insights and challenges of the time they lived in, we join their attempts to learn from both the Eastern and Western philosophy, and we witness their personal alchemy inner transformation

Hope you enjoy the from the as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Ama Book Reviews

A-Ma Alchemy of Love Historical Spiritual Fiction by Nataša Pantović Nuit Wednesday 19 April 2017 at 08:13 am

Ama Alchemy of Love

A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nuit  Book Reviews

Spiritual Historical Fiction set in 17th Century Macau

Sue Andreas's review  Feb 27, 2017. Rated it 5 stars!

bookshelves: classic,, , self-development 

Historical Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Historical Mystery set during the Age of Enlightenment. A novel about China, eastern philosophy, enlightenment, love, magic, Gods, Ama, Portuguese priests, the settlers of Macau (Macao) during the 16th and the 17th century.
Beautifully written wisdom of ages.
Alchemy of soul within the alchemy of love.
Through the eyes of 12 narrators: Ama-s friends, Gods, & spirits, Historian, Lover, Alchemist, Reuben, Father Benedict, etc.
A-Ma explores the human and social alchemy through the historical events in Macau: Dutch Attack, Chinese Calendar Reform, missioners work, Witch Hunt, through the eyes of Gods, Goddess, Amas father De-Nobille, a Portuguese Alchemist, her mother spirit, her lover.
We also follow a universal spiritual journey that is within each one of us: the path from suffering to love. Each character chooses their-own path to God and each path leads to Divine, whether it is called Christ or Buddha or Tao.
not religious.
Must read at least once!
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Conscious Creativity Book

Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations Saturday 18 March 2017 at 3:58 pm

Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations 

AoL Mindfulness Book #7

by Natasa Pantovic 

 It was during the Renaissance that creativity was first seen, not as a matter of divine inspiration, but as a gift of a great learned man to imitate God’s ability to create. Developing both Left and Right Brain could be essential for Creative Thinkers of our Future. To purify mind we start with the consciousness that the energy follows thoughts. ISBN: 978-9995754112

"To purify  we start with the that the energy follows thoughts. It is important that we free ourselves of negative beliefs and thoughts, stop gossiping, judging or criticizing and that we work on developing the creative force within us."  Nuit

Conscious Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations  is a journey into the Ancient Europe's Mindfulness.


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