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Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and Christianity St Albert 1270 AC

Learning from Compendium Theologicae Veritatis 1250 AC and Professor Matt Qvortrup The Political Brain Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 10:53 pm

Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and The Political Brain

by Nataša Pantović

Just went to a philosophy sharing group by Professor Matt Qvortrup from Coventry University UK and explored the link between brain science and politics, following the publication of his book The Political Brain. He delves deeper into the fascinating intersection between neuroscience and political philosophy, leaving us with a profound truth: our brains are inherently designed to work out solutions, exchange of opinions and learn, but also are wired for conflict and predisposed towards hate, making it alarmingly easy for us to fall into the trap of destruction.

Professor Matt Qvortrup referred to Aristotle as Macedonian check

The Ancient Greek system of Aristotle, a student of Plato attending the Plato’s Academy found in 387 BC in Athens, better known as the teacher, advisor, consultant of Alexander the Great was the first one to travel to Egypt.

Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon Kingdom. During Aristotle's time (384–322 BC) in the Macedonian court, he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander. During the reign of the Argead king Philip II (359–336 BC), for a moment in history Macedonia subdued mainland Greece and Thrace. His son Alexander the Great travelled to North Africa and far East and has died in Babylon  in 323 BC in the city he planned to establish as his capital. Alexander's legacy includes the Greco-Buddhism, and the presence of Greek speakers in Persian lands. 

"Excellence is never an accident It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice" Aristotle

Plato's own most profound philosophical influences are Socrates and Pythagoras.

Plato and Pythagoras shared a mystical approach to the soul probably influenced by Orphism.


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Activists Unite

To tackle the emergency facing people and planet Wednesday 09 June 2021 at 12:00 pm

At Malta's National Animal Rights Day

by Nataša Pantović

Last Sunday, Malta held its National Animal Rights' Day. In Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries gathered to celebrate this worldwide event.

The National Animals Rights Day Malta 2022 holding Banner

The National Animals Rights Day Malta 2022 Main Banner

The Event was organized by the Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta.  

ALM's mission is to raise awareness and take action against all forms of animal abuse. 

Video Animal Rights Day 2022 Natasa Pantovic LIVE at NARD 2022 in Valletta Malta

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Remembering Our Past Events and Nirvana Azzopardi's Message

Children Festival in Aid of Eden, 6 Body Mind Spirit first in Malta, Metageum Temples Conference Friday 28 May 2021 at 12:22 pm

Remembering Our Past Festivals & Late Nirvana Azzopardi

by Nataša Pantović

Remembering Gzira Children Festival in aid of Eden Foundation

If you have ever organised a Festival, you know how hard the management of all the logistics are, working hard, day after day, contacting authorities, sponsors, adverisers, offering stalls, scheduling hour by hour activities, building the stage, sound equipment, chairs, security, auditioning kids for performances, preparing jury, prices, etc. I can still feel the buzz related to it all.

Children Festival 25th and 26th Sept Poster of Events

Again, if you have ever organised a Festival, you know that a Festival earns only when it is fully established, all the beginings are done for charity. So for the love of , for the love of , for the love of , for the love of , we have decided to included Eden Foundation as the main benefitory of all the entrance fees. My memories recall 1,000s of people, kids and parents loving every bit of the program, screams, laughter, entertainment, but also some last minute mis-haps. At one point, a security guard did not show up, so I had to personally stay a night without a policeman, protecting all the drinks and equipment, spending that night in a car, as a 30-years old woman, patrolling the Gzira open Gardens. Locals who know Gzira at night, at that time, would know what that means. In the middle of the night I was faced with a drunken drug addict who tried to carry away a crate of beer, and had to convince him to let it go.

The PR and Stage Hosting of the Children Festival was done by Nirvana Azzopardi. 

Nirvana Ciavola Azzopardi has died in 2013 after a two-year battle with breast cancer. The 40-year-old mother of two aged 10, and five, was a TV personality when she joined our team. In her 30s, full of life and enthusiasm, I was more than happy to entrust her with the management of the event's PR and with hosting the Stage programs.

We were invited on different Radio and TV shows, working many hours a day marketing the Festival at my home that servered as an office. Getting to know her, was a privilage and an extraordinary experience!

AoL events Children Festival 2 days of workshops stage stalls 25th Sep and 26th Sep at Gzira Gardens in aid of Eden


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The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone

Unlocking the secret of Egypt's hieroglyphs Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 1:31 pm

The Ancient Egyptian Rosetta Stone

and Mysticism of Ancient Egyptian s and explorations

by Nataša Pantović

You have all heard of the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, when Ionic Greek (Homer-ian) was the language of the governing classes in Egypt. The Greek ruler, Ptolemy V in 200 BC has commissioned the Rosetta stone, to state publicly that he is the rightful pharaoh of Egypt.

Excavated during the Napoleon conquest of Egypt by French archaeologists, the scholars who had accompanied the French army to Egypt in 1799 AC. It found its way to England, in an exchange of Governments from French to British after the French surrender of Egypt in 1801, and is now in the British Museum... The Rosetta stone is written in three writing scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek and it is a block of black granite 115 cm high and 70 cm wide.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics for God, Ancient Rosetta Stone Research Papers

Without the Rosetta stone, we would not have been able to decipher the huge amount of writings, scripts, drawings, temples’ texts left behind by. The Rosetta stone is in two languages: Egyptian and early Ancient Greek. The writing on the Stone is an official message, a decree, about the king Ptolemy V (204 – 181 BC). The decree was copied on to large stone slabs called stelae, which were put in every temple in Egypt. It says that the priests of a temple in Memphis (in Egypt) supports the king.

This ingénues art-work was carved in three writing systems, hieroglyphic, demotic, and the Greek alphabet and this makes the Rosetta stone one of the most important archaeological discoveries in human history.

The last sentence of the Greek text says, “Written in sacred and native and Greek characters.” Scholars identified the “sacred” to the hieroglyphic system, while the “native” referred to the demotic script of the Egyptians.

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Golden Orphism Book

Ancient Thrace and Orphism in Southeast Europe, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria Sunday 04 April 2021 at 1:36 pm

The oldest book in the World and of Golden Etruscan Orphic Book from Bulgaria

by Nataša Pantović

An ancient book comprising of six pages of 24  karat gold (measuring 5 x 4.5 centimetres) bound together by gold rings was donated to the Museum by an anonymous 87 year old Bulgarian man from Macedonia who had discovered the treasure in a tomb unearthed 60 years in southwestern Bulgaria. According to Elka Penkova, Head of the museum's archaeology department, the golden book is the oldest complete book in the world, dating to 600 BC.

The Golden Book is dedicated to the Ancient Greek God of Music Orpheus 

Etruscan Gold book Thracian prayer 600 BC Bulgaria 

This is a funeral book made for an aristocrat of the Orpheus cult.

The most popular cults were the Dionysian mysteries, which came to Greece from Thrace, along with the cult of Orpheus and the Orphic mysteries.

Perperikon in southern Bulgaria is a real city-temple, with the stone altars, dedicated to the God of wine and sexual ecstasy known by the Greeks as Dionysus, or Bacchus by the Romans. Orpheus, the Thracian’s musician god, according to legend was a disciple of Dionysus, but had argued against practices of orgies in the name of Apollo, the god of reason. He was murder by the maenads, the female followers of Dionysus. Orpheus death was considered a sacrifice to redeem mankind for its sins.

Orpheus leading Eurydice from the Underworld. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot  1796-1875

Check also Derveni Papyrus and Orphism

Some archaeologists believe that Orpheus could have been a real person who resided in the Rhodope Mountains, a Dionysian priest, an initiate of Egyptian mysteries. His cult proclaimed asceticism, was against sacrifice, and taught the transmigration of souls. His followers, including Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Alexander speak of the soul’s capacity to experience the divine. The initiated students had learned to break free, resurrect and experience happiness in the afterlife.

Check also The Art of Dying Well from Jung to Egypt to Malta

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