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4 Elements Wedding Ritual

From the Tree of Life Novel Thursday 18 June 2015 at 10:48 am

Tree of Life

4 Elements Wedding Ceremony 

Symbols and Signs

This Wedding Ritual was inspired and created for a dear friend's wedding and it is here to inspire you to create your-own ritual respecting the blessings of 4 elements and the Mother Earth.

Blessings to the Couple

We gathered here to acknowledge and deepen the soul-mate union of these two lovely souls. We are here to support this amazing Twin Flame honouring the Bounty of Life.

May you take steps in trust holding each other through all of your vulnerabilities and learnings, co-creating Life together, opening deeper towards Love, Love that is Wild, Love that is Still.

May Angels give you to cherish, nurture, and respect one another, choosing trust and honesty above All.

May God give you Strength to resonate with the Song of Life fully honouring the truth of each other.

Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness Unite within this Sacred Marriage!

Also Check 111Hz Healing with Sound in Ancient Temples

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Yoga Science

Benefits of Yoga, Yoga Symbols and Mystical Knowledge Friday 23 January 2015 at 07:42 am

Science of Yoga

How to Meditate Properly

Yoga Science or Mysticism

Ever since I fell in love with , 25 years ago, my fascination is fuelled by this amazing Body of Knowledge that flourishes under the umbrella of this Ancient Spiritual Science.  1,000s of years various Yogis devoted their life-times to study the human being, the way we act, behave, or the way our past and present interact within a matrix called our Life and influence our body, , and .

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Love Symbols

Love Symbols and Signs Thursday 17 July 2014 at 8:04 pm

Symbols and Signs

Love Symbols and Their Meaning

Love knows no boundaries. Symbols of Love connect us to the Force of Love and its Eternal Wisdom

Heart as a Symbol of Love

We somehow naturally start with the heart as a symbol of love. It was firstly found on coins by the Cyrenes in the 7th century B.C.

It is interesting that the image depicted on the coins was the heart shaped seeds of a plant called Silphium, a type of fennel, that was used as a herbal contraceptive.

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Mindful Being

Towards Mindful Living Course Thursday 15 May 2014 at 09:04 am

Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course

AoL Mindfulness Book #4

12 Modules to Deeply Understand Your Soul 

by Nataša Pantović

Mindful Being : 12 Weeks full of Spiritual Transformation Tools combine meditation exercises, soul’s diaryspiritual diaryrelationship contracts, and many other daily spiritual transformation tools to help you live your highest potential.

Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course 

Author: Nataša Pantović 

ISBN: 9789995754082

Format: e-book

Publisher: Artof4elements; 

Year: 2014;

Size: 187pg 8x10”

Buy through Amazon Kindle 

mindful being course title page bookISBN: 9789995754037

Format: Paperback

available from Amazon Price: eur34


Artof4Elements is a Mindfulness Training and  Publisher that has with 7 authors launched a mindfulness training serial of 9 books called AoL Mindfulness . Artof4Elements publishes books, audio, and video materials in areas of Mindfulness, Meditation, Self-Help, New Thought, Alternative Health, Vegetarian and Vegan Food and Nutrition, and Conscious Parenting.

Mindful Being Gold

Mindful Being Gold is the full course supported with 25 Videos or 11 hours of presentations. 

Recently we made Mindful Being Course VIDEOS available for FREE! Enjoy!

Please have a look at the Independent Best Mindfulness Books Lists where our AoL Mindful Books could be found

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Cultivate Creativity

Cultivate Creativity using Divine Inspirations Wednesday 30 April 2014 at 6:44 pm

Cultivate Creativity

Using Poetry as Spiritual Tool

We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy!

Cultivate Creativity and Divine Flow

All throughout our history, cultivating was our major contact with . To master an art-form or a musical-instrument, an artist learns the skill for decades. The purity of their artistic expression takes the viewer beyond the world of day-to-day reality into the world of , Divine exploration, Love. Standing in front of the Botticelli’s Venus within the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, or listening to the Divine sounds of Mozart or Bach within a Cathedral takes the art explorer into the same states of Samadhi a yogi desires to reach.

Now, at this point of the discussion, you will get all the different yogis denying this fact and the echo of their voice brings a touch of truthfulness within this scene - this is the energy, or the stand-point of the viewer. An ability to enter a meditation state observing the true art takes hours and hours of training. A child taken to the classical music concert will not enjoy it no matter how refine the musicians are; yet with a proper training they will learn to enter into the balance created by the composer, musicians and the conductor and would feel the sacred space of the church where the concert is performed.

Attending a school is a training, and it takes a tremendous amounts of time to train reading / writing / thinking. Unfortunately, some people had not ever had an opportunity to train their skills in thinking. Some did not even attend a primary school. At University we read 100s of books to get trained in thinking. It is an admiring amount of time spent in focusing on one subject. Attending a music school, training a sport, dance, or choosing to seriously learn art, is a tremendously difficult training that takes a amazing amounts of time, at least ½ hour a day for 10-15 years, this is why we usually are not in charge of this training but it is in hands of our parents to send us to art / music / dance / sport school while we are kids. Training kindness, truthfulness and compassion should also take this amount of time.

Now, back to the viewers and the experience of meditation or Divine entering the creative sphere and why they are not so different. The viewer’s attitude towards an art form could be polluted by many different influencers: watching TV, reading yellow press, being bombarded by “cheap” and “sellable” images and messages, or brain-washed with the stereotypes of humanity. Still the lack of training within the viewer could cause the experience to stay within the levels of the ordinary. Listening to Divine music, the viewer needs to be still, this stillness will take him into the meditation. If there is no training of stillness, the viewer might miss the opportunity to enter Divine. If we have deep contact with Nature, we live in Nature, we experience the stillness of a mountain or a lake regularly, we have a natural “trainer” within our surroundings that will allow us to enter the states of meditation while creating or experiencing art as Divine form.

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