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What is Your Tree Sign

Ancient Slavic Astrology Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 11:03 am

Symbols and Signs

What is your Tree Sign

Tree Magic

What is your tree sign Cherry tree blossom
Trees were respected since the beginning of time. Different cultures acknowledged the magic powers within ancient trees and performed various rituals around them. A tree can simply bewitch you offering a sense of mystery and magic, taking you into the journey of green respect towards this witness of time passing, into the wisdom of its mature being. Its roots lie deep in the ground. The leaves draw energy from the sunlight. The trunk is strong and wide. What is the tree hiding: ancient secrets, ghosts, goblins, spirits, ferries or just squirrels? 

Druids were priests of an ancient Celtic religious order. They thought that the oak tree is sacred and they carried out their religious rituals in oak forests. They chose the deepest parts of woodlands for their most sacred places.

The Pagans used the Yew tree as the focus of their worship. Apparently, the Yew has a particular quality that inspires a feeling of awe.

The Greeks and Romans decorated their dwellings with ivy, taking evergreen plants into their houses acknowledging their magical qualities.

The Christmas tree is a symbol adopted by Christian tradition, referring to the salvation that Jesus brought to the world by his birth.

Ancient Slav Zodiac

According to the Ancient Slav Zodiac we all have our Tree Signs. Find the date of your birth and enjoy the spiritual meaning of the Tree that protects you.

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Tree of Life True story

Some Valuable Life Lessons from an Adoption Story Thursday 17 September 2015 at 10:36 am

Tree of Life True story: Some Valuable Life Lessons

Tree of Life by Nuit

The Secret of is not in Perfection but in Completeness

Ama Alchemy of Love Quote by Nuit about completeness and perfection

I don’t know what your relationship with the Mythical Mare that lives within our sub-conscious sending night-mares to kids is, but mine used to come every night to torture me until I learned how to fly. Just as a insight, I had much difficulties contemplating the sentence: ‘It is never too late to re-live your childhood happily’ and I had to meditate deeply and profoundly to comprehend its secret and sacred meaning. The inner alchemy Fairies do not always protect the kids and my parents were too occupied with their Shadow Work to notice how deeply disturbing this could be for a child.

Alchemy of Love as a Childhood Dream

We never knew Luxury but we travelled twice a year for shopping and culture trips visiting Vienna, Rome, Istanbul, Athens throughout my childhood. My father lost both his parents when he was 18 and was left with four other siblings with no money or relatives to help, yet this didn't stop him from doing his Phd in Law, taking care of all the brothers and sisters, and publishing an amazing number of 27 legal books. We discussed Plato at home, read Utopia, analyzed Roman Law and its pitfalls, talked about Tolstoy and his sense for social justice, equality and searched for a perfect social system that would come to Earth when the Humanity is ready for it. Discussing our inner drive towards unconditional justice was my breast-feeding milk during the early youth.

Just around the time of my High-school successes I came across  and the search for the Inner Perfection. The Alchemy of Soul and the Alchemy of Humanity beautifully presented themselves to the student that was ready to learn from: Hesse, Anthroposophy Group, Meditation Groups (such as Sai Baba, Hare Krishnas, Komaja, Ananda Marga), Zen Groups, Sufi Groups, Tai-Chi Groups, at Spiritual Healing Courses and Seminars, Macrobiotic, Vegetarian and Vegan Cooking Experiments, Mantra Singing Workshops, that were mushrooming at that time in Belgrade, Serbia.

Read more Tree of Life True story

4 Elements Wedding Ritual

From the Tree of Life Novel Thursday 18 June 2015 at 10:48 am

Tree of Life

4 Elements Wedding Ceremony 

Symbols and Signs

This Wedding Ritual was inspired and created for a dear friend's wedding and it is here to inspire you to create your-own ritual respecting the blessings of 4 elements and the Mother Earth.

Blessings to the Couple

4 four elements wedding ritual use candles

We gathered here to acknowledge and deepen the soul-mate union of these two lovely souls. We are here to support this amazing Twin Flame honouring the Bounty of Life.

May you take steps in trust holding each other through all of your vulnerabilities and learnings, co-creating Life together, opening deeper towards Love, Love that is Wild, Love that is Still.

May Angels give you to cherish, nurture, and respect one another, choosing trust and honesty above All.

May God give you Strength to resonate with the Song of Life fully honouring the truth of each other.

Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness Unite within this Sacred Marriage!

Also Check 111Hz Healing with Sound in Ancient Temples

Read more 4 Elements Wedding Ritual

About True Happiness

Spiritual Quotes on Highest Potential Friday 20 March 2015 at 09:05 am

Spiritual Quotes

About True Happiness

Aristotel about , Excellence (aretē) and Wellbeing (Eudaimonia)

what is true happiness one loveThe central concept of Aristotel's philosophy is within the words: Eudaimonia (Greek: εὐδαιμονία), that consists of the words 'eu' = good and 'daimōn' = spirit and 'aretē' that is often translated as 'moral' but in reality means 'done with excellence'.

Aristotel in Nicomachean Ethics says '...if any action is well performed it is performed in accord with the appropriate 'excellence': if this is the case, then 'εὐδαιμονία' turns out to be an activity of the soul that is in-tuned with virtue.'

According to Aristotle, 'εὐδαιμονία' (wellbeing or long-term happiness) is achieved when during the life-time a human being achieves healthwealthknowledgefriends and this in turn leads to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. For Aristotle, 'εὐδαιμονία' involves activity, exhibiting 'aretē' (excellence) in accordance with reason.

Eudaimonia implies a positive and  state of being that a human being is able to achieve.

Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece

Read more About True Happiness

Symbols Numbers

Spiritual Meaning of Numbers Monday 05 January 2015 at 5:06 pm

Symbols and Signs

Spiritual Meaning of Numbers

‘Numbers and numerical proportions have a certain meaning for the cosmos and the world. It is in numbers, we might say, that the harmony that dwells through space is expressed’

Rudolf Steiner, Occult Signs and Symbols

the mystics tarot and kabbalah
Read more Symbols Numbers