About Nataša Pantović
Bio Who we areNataša Pantović Bio
Amazon Author
or some weird and wonderful things about me:
- MSc (Master's) Economics, Belgrade
- The early eMalta years saw a heavy investment by Government in its ICT infrastructure to transform Malta into an Information Society. As Management Consultant working within the MEU, in the Office of Prime Minister, I worked on large number of management and HR consulting projects throughout the various Ministries and Government Institutions.
Management Services Consultancy Study 1994
- While heading a large UK IT company (Crimsonwing, later KPMG) that has set-up its operations in Malta, I was in charge of expanding its markets in Europe. As a woman, and an IT Executive, travelling around our little planet, my memory takes me to many venues in London, Cardif, Manchester, Milan, Brussels, Rome, Amsterdam, presenting our company's large UK IT case studies (Safeway, Banks, etc.)
Major Info Companies in the World Crimsonwing Head of Business Development 2009
- After helping Father George who was living and working in Malta and Africa, help him build a school in a remote area of Ethiopia, entered the most amazing world of parenthood adopting two angels from Ethiopia as a single mother (now imagine that!). My children are my biggest Conscious Parenting teachers. They love and train basketball, play piano, act within a Music Theatre Group and were Chess Champions of Malta.
- My soul is the one of a nomad and during my life-time I visited more than 50 countries, set foot on all the continents, and lived in five: Serbia, Malta, Uk, Holland and New Zealand. My home is in Amsterdam, London, Belgrade, Sliema wherever I found my heart beating the same rhythm.
- For the consciousness researchers lovers, some of the more intriguing pages talk about 25 years of Applied Psychology explorations, and my research journey through Theosophy, Zen, Tantra, Antroposophy, Yoga and my vegetarian life-style where I danced barefoot in the rain, meditated for hours in search of God,
- As a volunteer organized 6 Body, Mind and Spirit Festivals, a Children Festival, International Vegetarian Festival, read 1,000s of spiritual books and as a Volunteer was within an organising committee of the 10 days Megalithic Conference in Malta
- The world of love and relationships is deep and soul enriching and I had a most amazing opportunity to explore this male-female game in over 18 years of relationships. I now regularly publish Articles on Relationships, Mindfulness and Personal Growth
- Became a published author in 1991 - in Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Serbia. with a self-legal-help book:
Contracts for Companies and Individuals examining the Yugoslav Co-operative Law.
AoL Mindfulness books Series titles are:
• A-Ma or Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras by Nataša Pantović
• Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry by Nataša Pantović, Jeni Caruana, Christine Cutajar, Jason Lu
• Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes by Olivera Rosic, Intro: Nataša
• Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course by Nataša Pantović
• Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents by Ivana Milosavljevic and Nataša Pantović
• Chanting Mantras with Best Chords by Goce Nikoloski, Intro: Nataša
• Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations by Nataša Pantović
• Spiritual Symbols with their Meanings by Nataša Pantović
• Tree of Life: A Journey into the Field of Dreams by Nataša Pantović
• Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God or A Brief History of the World beyond the Usual by Nataša Pantović
Speaking Engagements, Workshops and Training:
I have been on 100s of Training Courses and had an honor to learn from the best.
Nov 2006 Euro-Med Summit Marseille, A Guest Speaker in an Experts Panel Discussion with the Presentation Strategies for Growth in the Euro-Med Region Euro-mediterranean Business Summit 2006.
Euro Mediterannean Business Summit in France 2006 with Natasa Pantovic as one of speakers at the Economist Conference
June 1999-2007 Volunteering with NGOs as an Event Organiser - Manager
Oct 1999 International Vegetarian Festival, One of the Organizers
25th - 26th Sep. 1999 The Main Organiser of the Children's Festival in collaboration with LC Gzira in aid of the Eden Foundation
In collaboration with local council Gzira has organised a Children Festival at the Gzira Gardens (one of the largest gardens in Malta). The Festival included magicians, jugglers, pottery making, books exibitions, soccer competition, and a stage featuring Young Artists Talent Show with prices for the winners. Proceeds from the event were in support of the Eden Foundation.
6 yearly Body Mind Spirit Festivals of 3-5 days long. One of the Main Organisers in charge of the Events and Workshops Delivery + Managing the Stage. At time having from 2 to 20 volunteers reporting to me.
Nov 2007 Metageum: Exploring Megalithics One of the Organisers of the 10 days International Conference + Leading the Workshop entitled "Ancient Spirituality and Goddess in Malta". 1 of 4 Main Organizers
Metageum’07 was a week-long event that includes an international conference, guided visits to sacred sites, and workshops exploring the “consciousness of the Megalithic Temple Builders”, held at The Caraffa Stores, Birgu. Presentations at the conference venue, field trips to the temples or the workshops had a long list of renowned guest speakers from the archaeological field, both academic and independent, including such world-renowned researchers and authors as Graham Hancock. Each afternoon a bus took the participants into one or more of the megalithic temples and other prehistoric sites. The Saturday 10th November, gives a very good overview of a typical day. That day the speakers included Dr Anton Mifsud (on Malta as Atlantis), Peter Marshall the main organizer / CEO of the Conference (on Malta’s role in the lost civilizations of Europe from England), Dr Louis Lagana of the University of Malta (on the influence of prehistoric Malta on modern art), and Erik Davis, author and journalist from California. The Saturday afternoon our field research was inside the Hypogeum. A specially formed team of researchers was recording the sounds vibrations of various modern and ancient instruments within this 11 meters underground 7,000 years old Temple. I was privileged to be meditating inside the Oracle Room during these spiritual experiements.
Check my article about this research 111 Hz Healing with Sounds in Ancient Temples
An award, Management Consultancy Project, Hyder UK, Cardif
An award, Design and Execution of a Soft Management training Programme for 100 employees: Team Buidling, Leadership, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Effective Writing, Stress and Time Management.
Working as Management Consultant within the Government attending a comprehencive business consultancy services training leading to this UK management services certificate
A part of this extensive Management Consulting Training that lasted 5 years included in debth practical and theoretical training. We attended various courses -
Budgeting and financial Control Course
Business Process Reeingineering Course
Effective Project Management Course
Negotiating Skills Course
Team Building Course
My own research took me in to the exploration of Chinese language and its philosophy. My historical fiction book explores this amazing country and its ancient customs.
Learning Italian
Teaching English as Foreign Language
Understanding NLP
International Yoga Teacher Certificate with 350 hours of teachers training.
and the most beautiful and rewarding of them all...
Preparation Sessions for Prospective Adoption Parents
Read Also: My Adoption Journey
At the event, Nataša told the participants in her speech: "Activists Unite!" "What a gathering of young illuminated hearts! All united in their love for animals..."
Activists Unite The full 6min video can be viewed here:
Presented by Nataša Pantović at NARD21 Malta Animal Rights Day 2021, June 06 2021
Led the Workshop: The Science of Yoga
The Science of Yoga, with Malta TV One
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/NatasaPantovicNuit/
Wikihow Articles https://www.wikihow.com/User:Nuit
Andrej, Nataša's son on his scooter, with Yu Hai and Romeo during their adventures in Malta #book illustration 3 from Million by Sarah Kern book for children published in German
Read also our articles 'consciousness' research
Interview with Nuit Spirituality and Parenting and Why Conscious Parenting
Links to Interviews:
Times of Malta Interview: A Beautiful Mind
Sunday's Times Art and Culture Section, Ama or Playing Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras historical fiction rreview and interview with Novelist Nataša Pantović
Nataša Pantović Sunday Times 5 Stars Review of A-Ma
“Seated on a panel with her fellow writers, Maltese-Serbian novelist Nataša Pantović has been known to use slam poetry to perform her poetic body of work. Like her prose, the improvised words, tribal music, percussionist sounds, lengthy ‘aum’ chanting, are neither too preposterous nor too earnest but endlessly curious. A bridge builder between East and West, following ancient archaeological findings, she often dives into historic settings more than 2,000 years back in time."
“A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, uma narrativa passada em Macau sobre “a busca pela verdade” Ponto Final Macau
“A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, um livro cuja acção se passa na Macau do século XVII. Agora, em entrevista ao jornal Times of Malta, a autora, Nataša Pantović, explica que o romance “é sobre a busca pela verdade”. A história tem como protagonista Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana."
Nataša Pantović: ‘I meditate in an attempt to recall my dreams’ in Malta Today
Links to Other Interviews:
Book Readers Featured Author
BookReaders Featured Author Nataša Pantović
Wayne Turmel Interview with Nataša Pantović
Spirituality and Historical Fiction Interview with Nataša Pantović
Joyce Strand Experts Interview with Author
What the Experts say: Nataša Pantović
Read Writers Club Interview
Read Writers Club Interview with Nataša Pantović
Buzzfeed Interviews with Nataša Pantović
Nataša Pantović talks to Buzzfeed
Conscious Parenting Interview with Nataša
Congratulation on your 65th academia mention name Nataša Pantović has been included within 65 research papers 2022/3
Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God
University of Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching the new novel Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God
So privileged to be asked by Malta Book Council the Founder of University Book Festival to present my new book on the Ancient Mediterranean history. If you are interested in the history beyond the usual, check this exploration of Amarna Letters, better known as Amarna Heresy, a philosophical discussion from Ancient Egypt's Babylon about God Monotheism and Trinity written 3,000 years ago; the ancient History of Egypt and writing, learn about Inanna Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess or about the Macedonian Derveni Papyrus and new Interpretation. Such an awe research of the Ancient Greek Θεοs within the book "Metaphysics of Sound. in Search of the Name of God or a Brief History of the World Beyond the Usual" in Malta.
NARD 2021
Animal Activists Unite by Natasa Pantovic
NARD 2022 Natasa Pantovic Speech
Unfortunately the LIVE recording of the following speech failed the organizers & stopped after 30sec.., "The fight for conscious living has been with the humankind since the beginning of time. We have an honor to be predecessors of giants like #Pythagoras who 2,500 years ago gave us (Europe) music, mathematics, and the noble vegetarian fight. I will share with you positive stories of conscious people involved in changing the world & good omens: This year, I met a 70 years old conscious artist & farmer when hiking through Serbian hills managing his organic farm (and a community center), next to a stream, as a vegan, mindfully; Blessings to his work!When consulting in the UK, visiting a client, a car in front of me suddenly hit the breaks, with a car behind me causing a chain accident, 4 cars bumped into each other. The cause was a duck with its ducklings crossing the British country road; None of us minded!
After a 100 years volunteers have helped a turtle hatch on a Maltese beach. It took many sleepless nights for this to materialize. Hope she comes back again.
One of our Authors, a Founder of NGO Gaia has personally planted his 10,000th tree.
I call this to be a good OMEN. We can together help Gaia be healthier, & our animals live happier. Let's do it!"
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