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Sumerian Temple Hymns

The First Ever Published Book by High Priestess 2400 BC Thursday 12 December 2019 at 09:11 am

High Priestess Enheduanna and the Kesh Temple Liturgy

Following Humanity's fight for  by Nataša Pantović

Holy water and the sacred word, that is all you need. Said a gypsy witch with a snake around her neck.

Maria's tears they are, from the grave of Jesus. Not an item easy to find. Not a request easy to settle. A magic key of ever lasting happiness... Mystical Christianity Alpha and Omega

I'll get you the bottle of tears but for the words, you got to speak with a wizard, a male, not from the Egyptian gypsies, a Bedouin from the desert, the worshipper of Nuit, an Arab, perhaps a sailor with own boat, a  Sufi follower, or to a wondering barefoot priest from Syria, a hermit from the Sinai mountain, Sha Ra where MoShe saw the burning bush. That is a bit more difficult for they talk not to women. The Wisdom of Gods is kept amongst them! It used to be with the Pythagoras followers passed with the Numbers, but has been since kept a secret for the past 2,000 years!

A butterfly flew passed breaking the silence building nets of somewhere in the space. It whispered...

The philosophical research concerning the poses the question: Is there a meaning / sense / purpose to voicing / writing / reading as us finite beings talk about and Infinity?

Is a human being really able to discuss The Tao of Logos?

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New Consciousness and Group Dynamics

Learning about Subconsciousness from Ancient Mythology & Philosophers Prometheus Titans Patanjali Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 09:27 am

New & Subconsciousness of Group Dynamics

Learning from Prometheus and Titans, Ancient Greek

by Nataša Pantović

The subconscious material or chitta has its own “body” that engulfs the . Each soul from its birth passes through various awakenings, or dissociation from the sub-consciousness.

Mind chitta is an astral vibratory response within the subconscious layers with the precise words, feelings, and thoughts formations. We all enter it unconsciously. An ancient Indian Philosopher Patanjali  recognizes these dynamics within his Yoga Sutras. The Ancient Greeks Mythology and Philosophy Mother of All Sciences resonate with exactelly the same logic.

Creation of humanity by Prometheus as Athena looks on (Roman-era relief 3rd century AD) Italy

Quantum physics and Consciousness

The infinite divisibility of the atom with its rapid transformation prevents the Soul from manifesting. Two atoms react uniquely different when with each other and two Souls have uniquely different encounters. Two mothers exchange parenting knowledge, two grandpas share their illnesses; two lovers interact through a sexual contact. The circumstances dance within the Universal Flow, creating a type of Dough that subconsciously modifies our thinking principle as a Soul materialized on Earth or someone who belongs to a Group. We naturally belong to various Groups: age, nationality, profession, Religion and 90% of our subconscious mind “belongs” to these dynamics making us learn from each other, yet the conscious mass manipulation or the “molding” of any group’s dynamics is a fairly recent phenomenon within Human History.

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Babylon Mysticism

Amorites first fighters for Justice Freedom Equality 2,000 BC Sunday 02 December 2018 at 11:45 am

Babylon Mysticism and 2,000 BC

Amorites and North Africa's Advanced Civilizations

Following Humanity's fight for

You must have heard of Babylon, the city that was pillaged numerous times and was officially "damned" by God, with its name written within our official copies of the Bible, the most published book of all times!

The lovers of LOVE will rejoice hearing that Babylon founder were indeed called Amorites.

by Nataša Pantović

Marduk of Babylon Encyclopedia Brittannica

Even though and / Goodness is my research I have missed the fact that Amorite monarchs led a revolution of their times (2,000BC North Africa), they freed citizens from taxes, distributed Church land to citizens, abolished forced labor, spread education building most amazing cities...

Also check Spiritual Writings the most read genre of all times 

21st Century Spiritual Renaissance

Demystifying Magic When Eastern Aum meets Western Amen

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Humanity’s Drive for Goodness and Gypsis

Children of Cain and their Mystical Knowledge Wednesday 28 November 2018 at 10:32 am

Who are Gypsis and why should we care

by Nataša Pantović

Can Human Nature with its profoundly caring and loving side abandon we vs. they behavior patterns and learn from Genocides of our Past?

Artists, scientists, researchers’ trust in Humanity’s goodness supported Gypsis even when all the others were against them. The weddings had Gypsi bands, poets composed music influenced by their rhythm, writers whispered their myths, love for horses, freedom, magic, we learned fortune telling techniques from their grand-mums, our film-makers like Kusturica won Oskars making films narrating the stories of these Balkan Egyptians, keeping their fame glowing, within our subconscious and limited consciousness mind that knew that the children of Cain do carry an interesting story to tell our s.

Carmen by French Composer Georges Bizet, Paris in 1875, Gypsis and their Mystical Knowledge

Carmen is an opera by French composer Georges Bizet, 1st performed in Paris in 1875. It is one of the most popular internationally acclaimed operas of all times depicting the fiery gypsy Carmen and her lover José who abandons his home, deserts his officer’s duties, yet soon loses Carmen's love. It all ends in a total disaster where he kills all in a jealous rage.

21st Century Spiritual Renaissance

Demystifying Magic When Eastern Aum meets Western Amen

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Conscious Parenting Book Videos Free Online

Mindfulness Training Videos to support Conscious Parenting Course Monday 02 October 2017 at 11:10 am

Conscious Parenting is supported by 30 Videos or 11hours of Presentations:

We recommend that you use the following order while working on your Mindfulness Training during
this Alchemy of Love Conscious Parenting Journey. However videos are done in such a way that they
are independent units so you can listen to them at any stage while in search of inspiration.

Conscious Parenting Course Video List:
Mindfulness Training Intro to Alchemy of Love

Interview with Nuit Spirituality and Parenting and Why Conscious Parenting

Circle of Life Mindfulness Training Video

Mindfulness Training Module 1 Body is a Temple

Module 1 Mindful Eating Perfect Nutrition
Module 1 Drinking for Health
Mindful Eating Inspirations
Module 2 Feng Shui of Your Home
Module 3 Conscious Parenting Mothering as a Spiritual Quality
Module 3 Kids and Subconscious, Conscious Learning
Module 3 How to Meditate Basic Steps
Module 3 Yoga Breathing Meditation
Module 3 Divergent Thinking or How to Practice Creative Thinking
Yoga Science and Mindful Being Course NetTV Interview with Nuit
Module 4 Secrets of Meditation
Module 4 Kids and Rhythm, Structure, Love
Module 4 Saying No to Kids and Priorities
Module 5 Towards Pure Mind
Module 5 Practicing Virtues: Assertiveness
Module 5 Dalai Lama and Practicing Compassion
Module 5 Practice Truthfulness
Module 6 Willpower Exercises
Module 7 Love Your Kids
Module 7 Cultivate Loving Relationships
Module 7 Meditate on Love
Module 8 Circle of Life or True Goals and Dreams (the video from the 1 st week of course)
Module 9 Right vs Left Brain Development
Module 9 Meditation Expand Your Consciousness
Module 10 Conscious Dreaming
Module 10 Rhythm, Structure, Love Meditation
Module 11 In Search of Truth
Module 11 Ancient History and Spirituality
Module 12 Meditate on Divine Consciousness
Module 12 Divine Sound & Temples

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